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And one more thing, the tendency that started with Witcher 2 - CDPR drifting to console gamedisign that significally reduce usability and convinience for PC users.
All this restrictions like limiting saving (you can't save in certain situations), controls and input, poor clumsy UI and interface as a whole, designed for TV sets and not for PC.
And for what? for money in console market. Success on sales? Yes. Raising standarts and improving technology in gamedev? No.
Post edited June 21, 2015 by Sten_MkIIs
Fear not, your concerns about the inadequacy of CDPR's effort have been addressed:

The Witcher 1 holds a special place in my heart due to the story, but anyone who thinks w3 is, in sum, anything short of an order of magnitude better than its predecessors has apparently been the victim of one those Rose-of-remembrance mind control spells.
Post edited June 21, 2015 by fjdgshdkeavd
fjdgshdkeavd: Why y'all guys so mad up in this thread? There's kids starving in Africa and y'all guys be butthurt because a really good videogame isn't perfect
In all honesty: did they ever announce to rid the world of hunger, wars?
Sten_MkIIs: And one more thing, the tendency that started with Witcher 2 - CDPR drifting to console gamedisign that significally reduce usability and convinience for PC users.
All this restrictions like limiting saving (you can't save in certain situations), controls and input, poor clumsy UI and interface as a whole, designed for TV sets and not for PC.
And for what? for money in console market. Success on sales? Yes. Raising standarts and improving technology in gamedev? No.
You can not save, but only shortly after entering a new area, or after some cut scenes. Wait a sec and save, works.
Post edited June 21, 2015 by zerebrush
SLI-756: it's set a new pinnacle in gaming, it's truly EPIC.

i beat Imlirith yesterday on blood and broken bones, high five anyone? : D
lv. 24 currently, with two lovely Relic swords waw!
Sorry, I can't agree. TW3 very much reminds me of Mass Effect 3. A well made storyline wrapped around a mediocre roleplaying system with bad PC controls. After 30 hours I refuse to play any further until this game is properly playable with mouse and keyboard. It's so sad that this leads to a self fulfilling prophecy. "We make more money on the consoles". Yeah, cause after TW3 hopefully no PC-Gamer is ever preordering any game again from CDPR.
SLI-756: it's set a new pinnacle in gaming, it's truly EPIC.

i beat Imlirith yesterday on blood and broken bones, high five anyone? : D
lv. 24 currently, with two lovely Relic swords waw!
Alfheira: Sorry, I can't agree. TW3 very much reminds me of Mass Effect 3. A well made storyline wrapped around a mediocre roleplaying system with bad PC controls. After 30 hours I refuse to play any further until this game is properly playable with mouse and keyboard. It's so sad that this leads to a self fulfilling prophecy. "We make more money on the consoles". Yeah, cause after TW3 hopefully no PC-Gamer is ever preordering any game again from CDPR.
ew, they've gone consolitis with 2 and 3, but it aint no ME. Mass Effect and Bioware in general is a shadow of its former self. Too much staff turnover, the founders gone etc. I suspect CDP is gonna get progressivly worse with every release however. Tends to be how things go withh PC centric devs once they leave the nest. They go console big, their games get worse and worse and eventually they go bust.
Post edited June 21, 2015 by Calmmo1
once you max the swift boots that remove damage when dodging the combat becomes even more interesting.
The world in insanely detailed, talk about bang for your buck, and the dlc has rolled out timely also.
I can't fault this game in anything, if anything's gonna beat it this year it'll be something massive like Fallout4, however TW3 is now the game to judge others buy (like Angry Joe says who gave it on pc 10 / 10).
TW3 was the game to knock gta5 off it's perch too :P
the graphics are unrivalled, kinda goes without sayin though : )
All the relic gear and especially swords is uber, i just blew around 3000 on relic exploding bolts.
both master craftsmen i've unlocked and Skellige is rad. : D
The bigger the expansion the better, i'm totally committed to this game yup.
Post edited June 21, 2015 by SLI-756