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As much as I like BandW, in its current form the quest Extreme COSPLAY should either be removed from the game or finished so it measures up to the rest of this DLC

The setup, writing and design are actually fine, but as it is it plays out in a way that is boring, un-empowering and lacking polish,

Here are some ways this quest could be as compelling as the rest of the DLC

1) It is easy to notice that the statues are stone but the weapons not. Reward the observant player by allowing them to disarm all the male elves before the ritual

2) Dimerithium bombs don't work on the elven mages ..... they should.

3) The elves don't climb the stairs to chase you to the upper level .... they should.... I you do this both NPCs aiding you should die as a result of your choice,

4) The basis for performing the ritual is just plain stupid. Geralt should be able to say " Never do that ritual again you stupid twit" and end the quest. There has to be some reason Geralt would want to re-enact the ritual. As it is there is none.

5) A thinking player may think to take the elven mask off ...... If a thinking player does this they should be rewarded by the elves stopping the attack and the player should be able to converse with them about ancient elven life and perhaps a new quest should start to free them from their summoning curse.

There is a simple rule to good quest design. Do it right or leave it out. This quest is only 1/4 done.

Please fix it ....

PS .... This was extremely annoying as I lost quite a bit of gaming time reverting to a save before I started this quest. I

PPS .... There are also far far far to many monsters in Toussant. It is just plain silly. The polulation should be dead 1000x over as there is a monster every 100m. There should be an option to thin them out as all the monsters do it disrupt the story, or the monster density should be significantly included in the story ,,,, and it could be woven into the story quite well.

Ways to painless fix this issue:

1) Have the town crier openly denounce the Toussant knights for not dealing with a monster epidemic
2) Have Geralt make a few WTF comments regarding the sheer number of monsters in a peaceful place like Toussant
3) Have the Duchess admit that there is a second secret reason they called him... a "secret" monster epidemic (that the public already knows about)

As it stands the player just has to shake their heads ... I got attacked 5 times by 5 different monsters on a short stretch of road.

The devs should be asking 2 questions every time they place a monster spawn.

1) Does it make sense that there is a monster here?
2) Does the monster somehow fit into the big picture?

These two don't have to always be true but when they are rare true the game fall apart.

I know you want to show off your assets but not at the expense of believably.

PS .... If you would like to insult me or criticize my gaming skill ..... by all means get it off your chest ... i couldn't care less
Post edited June 15, 2016 by Sirandar888
Now that I have done as much of BandW as I will, I can say that this quest is just example of much deeper issues with this DLC