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Arizona-Willie: I < thought > I had the ini settings changes working but apparently not.

At least they aren't working this morning ( saturday ).

The number keys DO select the Sign I want but do not throw it .

In order to try to troubleshot what I have done wrong I was wondering if there is a way to REM out a line or two in the ini.settings file.

I remember in the old Basic you could REM stuff out temporarily and wondered if there is a way to do that here so I can remove a line and see what happens.

At this point I am ready to try to remove the changes to ini.settings and go back to using the macro keys if I can't find what I did wrong.

And, unfortunately, I didn't save a copy of the original ini.settings file so now I need to find each line and remove it or find where a line is missing as I try to troubleshoot it.

Certainly something wrong somewhere.
INI files usually use ";" and/or "#" as a comment character. For parsers that understand both, people often use "#" to document sections of the file, and ";" to comment out lines. If there are no examples of this in the file already (I haven't looked), you could try it. Some parsers require the comment character to be in the first column also.

Thanks for the info on the comment characters.

I will check 'em out.

Yesterday I pasted the " wall of text " back into each designated section and saved the file after insertion into each section.

Mysteriously, they had DISAPPEARED.

I had entered the changes in all 3 sections and saved the file but somehow it didn't work completely.

The number keys were selecting the file but not firing it.

How that happened I'm not sure..

But I had them working yesterday and we will see what happens today.

Arizona-Willie: I < thought > I had the ini settings changes working but apparently not.

At least they aren't working this morning ( saturday ).

The number keys DO select the Sign I want but do not throw it .

In order to try to troubleshot what I have done wrong I was wondering if there is a way to REM out a line or two in the ini.settings file.

I remember in the old Basic you could REM stuff out temporarily and wondered if there is a way to do that here so I can remove a line and see what happens.

At this point I am ready to try to remove the changes to ini.settings and go back to using the macro keys if I can't find what I did wrong.

And, unfortunately, I didn't save a copy of the original ini.settings file so now I need to find each line and remove it or find where a line is missing as I try to troubleshoot it.

Certainly something wrong somewhere.
skeletonbow: INI files usually use ";" and/or "#" as a comment character. For parsers that understand both, people often use "#" to document sections of the file, and ";" to comment out lines. If there are no examples of this in the file already (I haven't looked), you could try it. Some parsers require the comment character to be in the first column also.

Out of curiosity -- to see if the changes I made to the settings file had stayed put this time --- I opened the settings file this morning and discovered that the game ( apparently ) is changing the file to suit itself.

It rearranged the lines you created so they look like this:


It is putting the sign selection LAST and also inserting lines for the PS4.

Why the heck don't they make two separate files? One for PS controller and one for PC's?

There is tons of superfluous code all about PS4 which is TOTALLY useless and no need to have it loaded.
Hey, OP, the link in the original post seems to be dead. Mind sharing the preset again?
uros_m: Hey, OP, the link in the original post seems to be dead. Mind sharing the preset again?
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I've updated the link to point to my current directory for Logitech G600 profiles. Only contains the Witcher 3 one currently but I'll put more in there in the future as well.

The link went dead probably sometime within the last 2 or 3 months but I didn't realize it was dead because the files are still on the server, only the domain name changed. :) So I've updated the link to what should be the permanent address now. In the off chance it ever goes dead again though, I'll fix it soon as someone reports it to me. :)

Also, I have an updated profile here but it is kind of "beta" quality, I need to work some kinks out next time I'm fiddling with the game which will probably be sometime in the next few months. If/when I get it working the way I intend, I'll post a new profile up there but leave the old one present as well.

Thanks for bringing the problem to my attention. :)
Awesome. Thank you for the quick update.
I'm wondering has something changed with the Blood and Wine expansion or why aren't the casting macros working?
Everything else works as it should but all "cast" items don't do anything.

Maybe I'm just stupid and did something wrong?
witcher.jpg (106 Kb)
immanuelcunt: I'm wondering has something changed with the Blood and Wine expansion or why aren't the casting macros working?
Everything else works as it should but all "cast" items don't do anything.

Maybe I'm just stupid and did something wrong?
It worked for me last time I played, however I haven't played in quite some time now. At the moment I have illness so am unable to investigate, but I have the full game with expansion pass installed (both expansions) and up to date so when I am feeling healthy again and have time to look into it I will test everything out again and update the config if necessary. The Logitech mouseware has been updated a couple of times since I made the original configuration also, which could possibly change things.

Feel free to provide more details on how to reproduce any problems you notice though, so when I'm looking into it I can test for them specifically.

Also, if anyone else has any problems with the config please give full details.