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nicethugbert: That's a good idea. But, it's still necessary to practice the moves to become proficient at them. Like I said, I do not want to have to resort to easy mode, to just get the combat out of the way. I'd rather make that choice from a better position.
Um, easy mode does not eliminate combat. It just makes it easier to "practice your moves." No point in wasting time thinking about it--just dig in and take it from there. As far as what you want, that will only become apparent after you begin play. You are over-thinking it, again...;)
nicethugbert: That's a good idea. But, it's still necessary to practice the moves to become proficient at them. Like I said, I do not want to have to resort to easy mode, to just get the combat out of the way. I'd rather make that choice from a better position.
waltc: Um, easy mode does not eliminate combat. It just makes it easier to "practice your moves." No point in wasting time thinking about it--just dig in and take it from there. As far as what you want, that will only become apparent after you begin play. You are over-thinking it, again...;)
yep just like waltc said find your pace and enjoy the game :)
nicethugbert: The fact of the matter is that no one knows how to play a game when they first start playing it, and nearly all games are really bad at resolving this situation. In most cases people just muddle through at first until they then find the game is not all that challenging. It was initially difficult because the game had the advantage that the player did not know what they were doing.

However, The Witcher 2 had an arena where I could explore the game mechanics and thereby learn how to play the game. But, in the Witcher 3, there is no Arena as far as I know and the tutorial is long gone.

In the case of The Witcher 3, I'm finding the learning curve steep enough to keep me away from it. And that's a shame because TW3 is probably the best single player game out right now if not the best ever, certainly among the best (and in this day and age where AAA games are often over priced fee to pay F2P/MMO scams, that matters more than ever).

I don't want to have to resort to easy modes of various sorts just to get through the game. I want to know how to play and then decide from that point if I want easy mode or not so I can better appreciate my choices.
WingsOfRequiem: you got a manual which you get with the game,and also there is an ingame tutorial,in which you can practice as long as you like(it ends when you put your sword away),and its not really a hard game,TW2 had a much harder entrance.

Good luck on the path :)
TW2 had an arena where I could level up my character each time I played it and explorer all the game mechnics. Does the tutorial do that in TW3?
nicethugbert: Here is your homework, your first post in all it's snot nosed uselessness:
Hickory: That is the most useful piece of information you're (specifically you) ever likely to get, that much is now self-evident. I suggest you digest it properly.
After many posts of persistent willful uselessness from you, I doubt a resident forum crank like you could dispense with any useful piece of information at all, to anyone, ever. I await your next outburst of forum vomit. It's all you're capable of.
Post edited December 13, 2015 by nicethugbert
nicethugbert: After many posts of persistent willful uselessness from you, I doubt a resident forum crank like you could dispense with any useful piece of information at all, to anyone, ever. I await your next outburst of forum vomit. It's all you're capable of.
Yeah, it was a given that you'd continue to display your utter ignorance, even after being prompted to do your homework. Not your style, is it?
nicethugbert: After many posts of persistent willful uselessness from you, I doubt a resident forum crank like you could dispense with any useful piece of information at all, to anyone, ever. I await your next outburst of forum vomit. It's all you're capable of.
Hickory: Yeah, it was a given that you'd continue to display your utter ignorance, even after being prompted to do your homework. Not your style, is it?
And what exactly is that ignorance you claim that I have?
Hickory: Yeah, it was a given that you'd continue to display your utter ignorance, even after being prompted to do your homework. Not your style, is it?
nicethugbert: And what exactly is that ignorance you claim that I have?
You're the one that's been throwing blind insults left and right. Work it out if you're not that ignorant.
nicethugbert: The fact of the matter is that no one knows how to play a game when they first start playing it, and nearly all games are really bad at resolving this situation. In most cases people just muddle through at first until they then find the game is not all that challenging. It was initially difficult because the game had the advantage that the player did not know what they were doing.

However, The Witcher 2 had an arena where I could explore the game mechanics and thereby learn how to play the game. But, in the Witcher 3, there is no Arena as far as I know and the tutorial is long gone.

In the case of The Witcher 3, I'm finding the learning curve steep enough to keep me away from it. And that's a shame because TW3 is probably the best single player game out right now if not the best ever, certainly among the best (and in this day and age where AAA games are often over priced fee to pay F2P/MMO scams, that matters more than ever).

I don't want to have to resort to easy modes of various sorts just to get through the game. I want to know how to play and then decide from that point if I want easy mode or not so I can better appreciate my choices.
If you don't like the game, don't play it. If you like it, push through. What do you think 6 Million players did?
nicethugbert: And what exactly is that ignorance you claim that I have?
Hickory: You're the one that's been throwing blind insults left and right. Work it out if you're not that ignorant.
That wasn't the question. Now try again.
Hickory: You're the one that's been throwing blind insults left and right. Work it out if you're not that ignorant.
nicethugbert: That wasn't the question. Now try again.
Don't give up that easily.
nicethugbert: That wasn't the question. Now try again.
Hickory: Don't give up that easily.
Don't be shy. Go ahead, back up your claims. Explain this ignorance you speak of, you 2 bit troll.
Hickory: Don't give up that easily.
nicethugbert: Don't be shy. Go ahead, back up your claims. Explain this ignorance you speak of, you 2 bit troll.
You won't wriggle out of it that easily. In case it hasn't sunk in yet -- and it hasn't -- do your homework instead of throwing insults around.
Post edited December 16, 2015 by Hickory
nicethugbert: Don't be shy. Go ahead, back up your claims. Explain this ignorance you speak of, you 2 bit troll.
Hickory: You won't wriggle out of it that easily. In case it hasn't sunk in yet -- and it hasn't -- do your homework instead of throwing insults around.
I'm still waiting for you to say anything on topic, let alone useful, and explain this ignorance you speak of. But keep squirming, it's entertaining.
Hickory: You won't wriggle out of it that easily. In case it hasn't sunk in yet -- and it hasn't -- do your homework instead of throwing insults around.
nicethugbert: I'm still waiting for you to say anything on topic, let alone useful, and explain this ignorance you speak of. But keep squirming, it's entertaining.
That's cute. Really... that's cute.
nicethugbert: I'm still waiting for you to say anything on topic, let alone useful, and explain this ignorance you speak of. But keep squirming, it's entertaining.
Hickory: That's cute. Really... that's cute.
So is your avatar.
garrus74: First off, the tutorial is there, it's just hidden in the menu that has your inventory, alchemy, character info etc. , and when you encounter things for the first time in the game, interactive messages pop up explaining how things work. I think you need to enable the pop-ups in the settings, but the full tutorial is always accessible through the menu.

Imho, Witcher 2 was more difficult if you jumped straight in than TW3, so if you completed TW2 on a certain difficulty level, just try enabling the same here.

Finally, TW3 has nice hints regarding the difficulty of a quest/monster fight: it could be that you ran into quests that are just impossible to complete given your current level. Try going for quests highlighted in green and avoid monsters that have skulls over health bars, and you should be just fine.
This is a ``parallel'' game <garrus74>, so the best way to play this game is traveling, arriving to towns and getting missions. As long you complete those missions one goes learning on the fly. Just my opinion about how to play this game.