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Has the game become harder with the new DLC Hearts of Stone? I am at level 37 and find it harder to kill monsters and humans that before I could kill faster before the new DLC. I was trying to do the quest with the frog prince and can't get by this with out dying no matter what I do I can't kill him. I have given up on this for now and have moved on to do other quests. The level says it's a level 32 quest so maybe some how I need to get my character a little higher to complete this quest.
I play on max difficulty and for me enemies seem to be harder than in vanilla game.
Killed toad today. it is not hard. just annoying - because it constantly jumps if you are near it, dealing massive stun aoe.
So i used coction that reduces stun duration and potion that makes you heal if you are poisoned. and just destroyed toads face... stood in poison clouds for healing. it healed me about 10-12 times my total HP during fight
Thanks I'll try that.
Thanks vemin for the advice worked great. Now to move on.
At the end of your game, you get used to slicing through groups of drowners or wolves as easy as swatting flies, because you have become so powerful by endgame.

All that changes in NG+ and now those irritating beasts are suddenly just like they were when you first started the game - tough.

Shortly after starting my NG+ I was eaten by a band of wolves that I was confident I could just "slice up" quickly. I have a lot more respect for them, now...