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Title. If you want to compete with steam you need to fix this.
your doing it wrong they work
bman001001: your doing it wrong they work
Thanks for he useless reply.
Doing "what" wrong? I haven't had an achievement for 6 months...
I've gotten all so far except one of the secret ones called "The Grapes of Wrath Stomped" which I did, it just didn't pop. I also can't get "When It's Many Against One..." from the HoS expansion, which I've done the requirement multiple times.
Same... I played for 5 hours yesterday and Galaxy only logged 10 minutes. And the HoS achievements don't even show up on mine, even though I already completed the expansion..
you need galaxy running for the achievements to work...
bman001001: you need galaxy running for the achievements to work...
I always have Galaxy running.
Galaxy has always been intermittent on this. When I did the main game, it gave me every story achievement except the one for killing Eredin (despite the fact that it gave me the achievement for finishing the game, one of the prerequisites of which is... killing Eredin). Galaxy was online the whole time, but beta is beta.

Unfortunately OP I don't have a solution for you, other than confirming that yes, Galaxy still has a long ways to go.
Maverick89: Title. If you want to compete with steam you need to fix this.
Had the same issue - question though, does W3 bomb out and CTD on a semi-regulary basis?
My achievements simply reset. Now I have 0%. 'course it's just a minor thing, but how difficult it is to keep this thing working after update?
I actually run Witcher 3 through steam. That seems to be why it's not tracking time or anything at all. That didn't use to matter, not sure what to do to make Galaxy register that it's open as it shows my username properly in the menu, galaxy is always open in the background. If GOG could take screenshots I wouldnt even worry about using it as a nonsteam game.
Maverick89: Title. If you want to compete with steam you need to fix this.
9 days ago my time tracking and achievements are not work anymore too :/ .... Its happens after I reinstalled the GoG Galaxy and import the game - Witcher3.

GoG fix this, pleeease D: