tr7h: Just bought the fake pass from the guy outside of novigrad, but when I talk to the guard all i can do is ask him where to get passes?? WHy cant i get in?
Eirreann: If it makes you feel better, I made that mistake, too. I even did the quest to get the discount, but accidentally got the guy's brother killed (oops), so no discount for me. Of course, now I feel cheated (and rightfully so; I done goofed).
Exact same thing happened to me. The game bugged out a bit though and the quest just vanished but then reappeared later under "Failed Quests". I did get ripped off by the guy though, but that's part of the elegance of the game I guess. Tough choices with no obvious right or wrong, no obvious win or lose and an occasional element of "life sucks, tough luck" just like in real life. I suppose that's cool in its own way though too. :)