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Hello Im on the road. Just got home to download the expansion and updates. I havent played the game in a while. So I go to start the game. And now im getting these errors. Im playing on pc. Please help ty.

Error [content0]game\ Cound not find function 'AddMultipleSkills'
108 thru 142.
I have the exact same thing any help please The game wont LOAD!!! even after disabling all mods......
Ok I found the solution.. it seems certain mods don't work anymore in the updated Nexus mod manager they wont show anymore (and probably because of the new patch 1.11) anyway go to your Mod map in your Witcher 3 files and delete those that do not appear anymore in your Nexus mod manager problem solved :)

Btw I disabled and enabled mods from the nexus and they should also appear / disappear in your Witcher 3 Mod folder
when they don't you know they are the problem so just delete tough luck but everything works again ^^