Posted May 19, 2015
Hello, so I got my Witcher 3 game together with my gtx 980 when I have bought new rig. Before the game was released I 've found some info that The Witcher 3 testing version was runin consistent 60 FPS on Ultra in 1080p. So when I logged in to game my dissapointement was big. My specs - Intel i7 4970k (4.7 GHZ) / 16 GB 2400 MHZ memory/ GTX 980 clocked at 1.4 GHZ and memory at 7.9 GHZ . Now with everything on Ultra i get only 50-55 FPS (sometimes it drops to 48). Game looks bad. It looks like slightly enchanced console version, I mean where is even Tesselation !? Dragon Age Age Inquisition looks better and runs 60 FPS with ease, even modded Skyrim looks better than TW3... gameplay is great, setting, characters, combat but TW3 is very big graphic dissappointement for me. I am looking forward to patches/moders to do something about it cause as for now performance is bad and graphics are mediocore.