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high rated
Seriously. Hell, I might pay $100 for DLC that disables sword auto-sheathing. I might even donate a kidney and half of my liver if it got me the ability to never ever for any reason whatsoever have Geralt sheathe his sword on his own.

I don't care if he's going to die and fall down a cliff because he doesn't have a free hand. Let him die, give me that option. I want the option for bad horrible things to happen if he has his sword in his hand. Let's say the only way to program the game to allow Geralt to sheathe his sword manually and never sheathe it automatically for some technical reason is that an entire village in the rainforest needs to be mowed down by automated logging trucks. I support that! If it gets me the ability to decide when to sheathe the sword and removes it from the game's AI completely *and* I'll pay $100 for it!

I hope the 1.07 patch does one single thing. Even if it adds 200 bugs and fixes zero bugs and makes the game crash to desktop once every 10 minutes - if it disables auto-sheath sword or makes an option available that I can turn on to disable it myself - then patch 1.07 itself will be worth $100.

It's practically the only thing in the game that makes me feel semi-intense negative emotions of the "ARGGGGHH H FUCKKKKK!!! NOOO, NOT AGAIN FOR FUCK SAKE!!!!" on a semi-regular basis.

Who would pay $100 and is ok with eradicating a village in a rainforest in order to have official DLC to permanently disable auto-sheathing with extreme prejudice? Hell, I would even buy 100 gamepad controllers to burn in a bonfire as a great symbolic gesture.

Who's with me?

yeah at this point i would pay for that ability as well ;)
I have no issue with it. Your sword only sheaths when you are out of combat. The only people I can see it affecting are those that have bound the "c" key to something else.

My sword has never "auto-sheathed" while I was in combat.

Edit: because it's undervalued. Every time auto sheath gets triggered, you should get a prompt to pay $10 to disable it for five minutes.
Post edited June 22, 2015 by fjdgshdkeavd
I don't have any problem with autosheeth most of the time. I suppose having an option to turn it on or off would be cool though. There are lots of little things that could really improve the game. Storage for instance.
I would agree with a there being a toggle in the options. I think most of the things like this should be a switch rather than an outright removal.

That said, I do find it both annoying and somewhat humourous (right before dying) that when facing off against numerous foes Geralt suddenly decides to bring his fisticuffs to a sword fight.
I want it gone as well. I try to observe my enemies, then pick the sword I need and go into battle. Other than the annoying loading after death I like the idea of trying to be careful but a few times I might be jumped by an enemy and then I have to quickly assess what type it is, pick up the sword then dodge or parry until I know how I want to kill the enemy.
Peetz: I have no issue with it. Your sword only sheaths when you are out of combat. The only people I can see it affecting are those that have bound the "c" key to something else.

My sword has never "auto-sheathed" while I was in combat.
Except that is not true. At a very regular basis my sword sheathes _while I am in_ combat. Not only that, but when you do go out of combat and it sheathes and you run towards an enemy and it isn't out and you want it out what do you do? You hit the button to make sure it is out because the game never draws it right when you want it every single time either. So what happens is the game decides an enemy has retreated too far away, usually one that can run 100 miles per second who decides to turn around and run 200 miles per millisecond at you so you hit "draw sword about a fraction of a second after the game decides to draw the sword again and that causes it to sheathe the sword again and you get fuckin killed.

It's so fuckin annoying it isn't funny. If you have never encountered this then you must not be playing the same game. I'm not talking about it auto-sheathing while you're swinging it at an enemy "in combat". I'm talking about there being like 10 enemies in a cave, and you kill one of them and another one is 10 feet away walking away from you to 12 feet away and it decides "oh well, I guess the fight is over" while all 9 remaining enemies run at you at mach 10 and attack and you're button mashing every button in a panic to get your sword back out because you did not put it away in the first place and don't want it put away.

The game does this all the time and it does it for every single person who plays the game, whether it bothers them or not is up to the individual I guess but it does happen and there are thousands of documented complaints about it on both GOG and CDPR forums so this isn't something I'm imagining.
Well, each to his own... I obviously have a different playstyle as I have not had an issue with this, as you have. I typically draw my sword prior to an engagement - I seldom let the game do that for me, and I have not had any issues of it sheathing while I still need it. Maybe I just stay closer to the action than you do? Dunno...
Peetz: Well, each to his own... I obviously have a different playstyle as I have not had an issue with this, as you have. I typically draw my sword prior to an engagement - I seldom let the game do that for me, and I have not had any issues of it sheathing while I still need it. Maybe I just stay closer to the action than you do? Dunno...
You don't even need to be doing anything. A pack of wolves could attack you and you can just stand there and swing at them when they get close. Then you kill all the ones that are right in your face and more are coming at you from only slightly further away, you can let go of the keyboard and mouse and cross your hands behind your back and depending on where they are and other factors the game will consider them to be too far away even though they're running right at you and they do move quick, it will sheathe the sword and may or may not draw it back out when they approach and attack, sometimes end up fist fighting them while trying to mash the sword draw key, other times it re-draws the sword but you get hit while it's doing that and sometimes you try to draw as it draws and it resheathes because they cancel out.

Either way regardless of whether someone else finds it a problem personally though it is a problem for thousands of other gamers and it isn't something that each gamer is doing themselves or a quirk of the way they play, nor is it a bug in their system, it is an irritating "feature" of the game. They don't have to change it to work another way however, they just need to put an option in Options->Gameplay

[x] Disable weapon auto-sheathing.

They can default that however they want and I wont care, so long as I can turn the option to be "don't autosheathe". Me and about 2 million other gamers :)
Add to that:

Disable auto-change sword type, when fighting monsters and humans at the same time @_@.. OMFG I got annoyed by that....
sariaen: Add to that:

Disable auto-change sword type, when fighting monsters and humans at the same time @_@.. OMFG I got annoyed by that....
This happened to me for the first time last night, and YES! Fully need to be allowed to select and keep one sword drawn in these kinds of engagements.
Peetz: Well, each to his own... I obviously have a different playstyle as I have not had an issue with this, as you have. I typically draw my sword prior to an engagement - I seldom let the game do that for me, and I have not had any issues of it sheathing while I still need it. Maybe I just stay closer to the action than you do? Dunno...
skeletonbow: You don't even need to be doing anything. A pack of wolves could attack you and you can just stand there and swing at them when they get close. Then you kill all the ones that are right in your face and more are coming at you from only slightly further away, you can let go of the keyboard and mouse and cross your hands behind your back and depending on where they are and other factors the game will consider them to be too far away even though they're running right at you and they do move quick, it will sheathe the sword and may or may not draw it back out when they approach and attack, sometimes end up fist fighting them while trying to mash the sword draw key, other times it re-draws the sword but you get hit while it's doing that and sometimes you try to draw as it draws and it resheathes because they cancel out.

Either way regardless of whether someone else finds it a problem personally though it is a problem for thousands of other gamers and it isn't something that each gamer is doing themselves or a quirk of the way they play, nor is it a bug in their system, it is an irritating "feature" of the game. They don't have to change it to work another way however, they just need to put an option in Options->Gameplay

[x] Disable weapon auto-sheathing.

They can default that however they want and I wont care, so long as I can turn the option to be "don't autosheathe". Me and about 2 million other gamers :)
I also had this glitch. But, its not game breaking though. I got used to it. Draw the sword well before engagement. Any surprise attack I am sure you are dead. If enemy attacks you before you draw the sword, you are dead.
Even though I didnt had problems as you described, I think manual sheathed is very good option. At, many critical fights, Gerald engage in fist fights and not drawing sword quickly even I pressed numeric button 1 or 2.

When you are fighting monsters and beast at same time , you are dead completely.
Post edited June 23, 2015 by msenthilkumar1
Peetz: I have no issue with it. Your sword only sheaths when you are out of combat. The only people I can see it affecting are those that have bound the "c" key to something else.

My sword has never "auto-sheathed" while I was in combat.
I've found this to be untrue - there have been multiple occasions while battling a flying enemy that I'm still in combat, but my sword puts itself away and then time I try to attact only my fists are up and ready. So, I have to add in an extra dodge or two in order to get far enough away that I have the time to pull my sword back out. Sure, I could also whip out the crossbow and shoot it down again, but sometimes even with that Geralt puts the sword away before I get to where it fell. Definitely a pet peeve of mine.

Furthermore, I can say I've had the exact same issues as Skeletonbow - he said basically everything else I would've contributed.
Post edited June 23, 2015 by kajirae
Didn't realize so many had this problem. I wonder if it has anything to do with graphical settings?