LameWarrior: Well, that is f****** fantastic... Patch fixed the issue, but I did a lot of other missions while waiting for a fix and now I'm too far in the main story line. I won a card from Serenity, but Dijkstra doesn't want to talk. All he says after pushing "E" on him is "White wolf?" and that's it, because he's in the middle of a quest to kill "certain very important person".
So now, not only I won't get Ciri card and not collect all of them but also I wasn't playing the game for the last two weeks (except running around doing nothing in particular) to not advance the main story line beyond the point, where I won't be able to talk to Dijkstra at all... I was waiting for nothing... Great. Thanks.
Sorry for salty post, but I was just screwed over by a one, tiny bug in the game.
There are safeguards for Gwent cards that are made unavailable through quest choices. If/when a card becomes permanently unavailable (ie. somebody has died), check your quest log. It will advise you to seek out the card.