Buccura: I have The Witcher and, as much as I like it, I couldn't keep myself interested because I eventually always forget what the plot is, what I'm supposed to be doing and why I should care. So, as a result, I've never finished it. Does anyone know if I would be lost on too many things if I just jumped into this one? (I believe I got as far as the 3rd act)
Treasa: You don't have to have a gamesave from TW1 to play, it adds different choices, if you do, but the game is scripted to be enjoyed without it, also.
I still have my game save, it's just an incomplete one.
I suppose I should also ask if the story is easier to keep track of this time around.
I wish to also state that I am NOT bashing on the game, as I do wish there were more games like The Witcher out there. It's just I couldn't over look it's one glaring flaw, for me at least.