Leondres: I have seriously believed in you guys since you let out the witcher. Amazing game, and then you came up with the concept of gog.com. Now, you present us with this, a preorder for the witcher 2, filled with tons of free stuff and money off the game. Thank you for honestly caring for the people who buy you games and making them all drm free. Thank you for trusting us!
Instant Preorder and sale
Thanks again!
OMG, spot-on!!!
Exactly my feelings, could not put them into better words. Cheers!
What I would like to add in the odd chance anyone finds this interesting, here are some examples that made me endear myself to the developers, after I was already a big fan of TW. I mean, these are examples of when I realized CDP where above all the rest, not just in terms of making great games, but in terms of principles, values and policies:
1) Quote from QA's on GameSpot after the first leaked video of TW2:
"Given the enormous amount of feedback we got from fans and the media after the leak, we realized just how big the expectations are and how many people have been waiting for this game to be announced. We're going through and summarizing all the comments that have been posted about the video on various Web sites, and we'll be comparing them against all the ideas we have for the game.
As always, we're taking our fans' opinions to heart, and I can say we already know some of them will affect the game's development.
I can assure everyone that we'll be putting every effort into making this game a truly outstanding RPG experience. People can keep up on game announcements at our official Web site. "
How many developers can honestly say those words nowadays???
2) The secret frame on the official Debut Trailer of TW2 in itself, for the fact, and for what it said. Specially for this:
"A game created by
a team of independent thinkers immune to corporate priorities, who don't care what's trendy at a given moment "
That for me seemed something impossible to expect from a dev team in these modern times. Blew me away.
I would say the are not just doing the talking, but doing the walking also. Would you???