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mantisisrael: i am currently at the kayran boss
i have tried it over 50 times now i would say
I wish you well, thought Einstein said doing the same thing over and over expecting different results was a sign of insanity?
Jesus that is one of the most idiotic boss fights I have ever seen in my life! I really, really hope they do something about the damn thing in the patch.

I managed to cut off it's tentacles and now I'm stuck at the part where he hurls rocks at me - it's not like I'm dying all the time, it's just I'm running around the place for good 15 minutes and haven't got a clue about what should I do! It's turning into "who dies sooner of old age" contest
Fenixp: Jesus that is one of the most idiotic boss fights I have ever seen in my life! I really, really hope they do something about the damn thing in the patch.

I managed to cut off it's tentacles and now I'm stuck at the part where he hurls rocks at me - it's not like I'm dying all the time, it's just I'm running around the place for good 15 minutes and haven't got a clue about what should I do! It's turning into "who dies sooner of old age" contest
Every time you cut off a tentacle, there was this camera change that focused on showing the Kayran hitting....what exactly?

When you finally cut them all off, did you notice that thing that the camera had kept focusing on fell into the water?

Now, what do you think you might be able to do with that thing if you were so inclined, when looking at how it relates to the Kayran's somewhat sticky position?

Just because you're lost, doesn't mean we all are. ;p
always hit the space bar and use Yrden sign (with quick regeneration potion) for the Kayran, Yrden + bombs (especially dragon breath and dancing *) to the endrega queens. Those were the tactics i used.
Well I don't know how to make a SPOILER ALERT here but there is one thing I can tell
in that part I got stuck behind the rock/pillar/structure and the Kayran was throwing rocks at me like there was no tomorrow.
But them I looked to my left, near the place where that thing the Kayran was hitting collapsed...
revial: Every time you cut off a tentacle, there was this camera change that focused on showing the Kayran hitting....what exactly?

When you finally cut them all off, did you notice that thing that the camera had kept focusing on fell into the water?

Now, what do you think you might be able to do with that thing if you were so inclined, when looking at how it relates to the Kayran's somewhat sticky position?

Just because you're lost, doesn't mean we all are. ;p
See that was the first thing I tried, but Geralt slowed down considerably every time I tried to climb the bridge and the tentacles seemed to quite randomly fall on it. It never occured to me to just keep trying since that is the way most developers just say to you "na-ah, not this way." I got trough the fight and still think it was really, really badly done boss fight and that they could have done it much better. But now I got to a next part of the story and got completely blown away, so all is forgiven
My biggest frustration wasn't the fact that I died a few times on normal, rather the fact that I had to watch that long cutscene over and over again.
salleco: You think Kayran is hard? Wait until your first encounter with the Kingslayer.

I almost broke my keyboard on my monitor before finally being able to pass.
LOL, Killed Kingslayer first try (well second, once I figured out I had to actually prep for this fight) on Hard setting!

Kingslayer fight is more the kind of fight I expected from this game (or any PC RPG) then the Kayran (btw: 2 direct hits from the middle tenticales (on easy setting with the crafted armor) will kill you so you all can stop accusing OP of lieing, hes not. Not you Sal, some earlier and later posters commenting on OP statement). Kayran fight is totally game console design.

In the Kingslayer fight I had to actually prep for fight and then used a combination of signs and tactics to break through his guard and back off when he put up his own sign sheild. Actual tactics at work, not just a pre programmed patern lie the Kayran.

LOVED the Kingslayer fight and wished the entire game presented fights like that!
BloodyHypocrite: My biggest frustration wasn't the fact that I died a few times on normal, rather the fact that I had to watch that long cutscene over and over again.
Left clicking during a cutscene will bring up a 'Right Click to Skip' icon....
BloodyHypocrite: My biggest frustration wasn't the fact that I died a few times on normal, rather the fact that I had to watch that long cutscene over and over again.
Offkorn: Left clicking during a cutscene will bring up a 'Right Click to Skip' icon....
I tried. Believe me I tried. While that worked for most of the other cutscenes that I wanted to skip over, nothing would let me skip the one before the kayran. Perhaps it was a bug of some kind, but having to sit through 2-3 min of cutscenes between every reload was pretty terrible. Other than that, I'm loving the game so far.
You must be kidding if you think the Kayran fight is impossible or it was a design flaw

The Prologue was badly designed in terms of difficulty, the Kayran fight? Not so much, you are just bad at finding the "trick" to fight the boss

1.Cast Quen so you can't be one shoted
2.Use Yrden on your spot, wait for the tentacle to raise above your head, roll sideways
3.Attack the now stuck tentacle
4.Kayran will now rampage, stay still on the spot where the tentacle was cut off so you can't be hit
5. Repeat with the other tentacles
6. After the third you get a QTE sequence
7. Run to the top of the Kayran by the left bridge and tadah, dead boss. Easy as pie

I died 10 times in this boss because I kept failing how to use the trap I had built, after that, I decided to use Yrden only since it was less time consuming (And less finicky)

I beated it on Hard
luz_andre: You must be kidding if you think the Kayran fight is impossible or it was a design flaw

The Prologue was badly designed in terms of difficulty, the Kayran fight? Not so much, you are just bad at finding the "trick" to fight the boss

1.Cast Quen so you can't be one shoted
2.Use Yrden on your spot, wait for the tentacle to raise above your head, roll sideways
3.Attack the now stuck tentacle
4.Kayran will now rampage, stay still on the spot where the tentacle was cut off so you can't be hit
5. Repeat with the other tentacles
6. After the third you get a QTE sequence
7. Run to the top of the Kayran by the left bridge and tadah, dead boss. Easy as pie

I died 10 times in this boss because I kept failing how to use the trap I had built, after that, I decided to use Yrden only since it was less time consuming (And less finicky)

I beat it on Hard
Yeah, I also beat it on hard - took me about a dozen tries as I slowly figured out the above sequence. I got really angry after the bridge collapses and I thought the fight was over only to get pummeled with bridge stones :)

In retrospect though it was a rewarding fight and allowed me to really appreciate the visuals of the monster that I would have missed in one quick battle.
I died a bunch of times during this fight ....until I figured out how to bait the creature into trying to hit me and he gets caught in my trap ...then I would hack his parts off...

I of course had brand new set of armor, a REAL silver sword...not the plated shit, I also had that mongoose potion or whatever ...with a +10 to damage potion AND +10 to damage weapon oil ..forgot the name of it ...

It would kill me in 2 hits ..sometimes 1 hit ...if I remember correctly I was level 7 - 10..
Easy fight that I am unable to finish...

Went through all of it no problem but I'm stuck on the tentacle QTE. Even though the bar fills up, I still get thrown down. No other prompts on screen. Shit...

Never mind, lowering of the resolution helped. It seems as if having a 1080p monitor doesn't go well with lowest configuration. Works for other new games though (shrugs).
Post edited May 22, 2011 by Galdor
Setup is left-most tentacle is 1 (has red), tentacle to right of 1 is 2 (has red), 3 (no red), 4 (no red), 5 (has red), 6 (has red)

Here's steps to beat this fight (assuming you have the trap and mongoose potion):

1) run to the left, avoid 3
2) keep running left, avoid 2
3) arm trap and stand on it
4) when 2 comes down dodge left
5) move left behind the statue
6) wait for rampage to end
7) after boss does final bash with all tentacles, watch for 1 to come sliding by, after it slides by, run right and drop yrden
8) stand on yrden until 1 attacks, dodge left so you don't get hit, then run and attack red zone
9) after tentacle detaches, run left behind statue and wait out boss's rampage
10) after final boss bash with all tentacles, run right
11) avoid 3 by running right
12) avoid 4 by running right
13) avoid 5 by running right
14) drop yrden, stand on it, dodge 5 when it comes down, kill 5
15) immediately run left towards statue
16) wait for big sweep from boss tentacle, right-click when you see the icon
17) QTE (left click alot, then spacebar)
18) immediately run behind middle rock and cast shield sign (quen?) -- just in case, not actually needed
19) immediately after boss throws stone and it hits, run left and run up the far side of the ramp
20) keep running to top of ramp to get cutscene and boss kill
Post edited May 22, 2011 by Daktor