Ancient-Red-Dragon: They don't need to use the words "Director's Cut," but I think they should make clear on the Store page whether the version is censored or not.
I wanted to know that too. I have a boxed copy that I had to import from Europe when it first came out. I paid a lot of extra money for shipping just because I can't stand censored video games.
I might buy the GOG version too (even though I still have an uncensored vanilla boxed copy, which can be patched to uncensored EE version) just for the sake of convenience. But I would never consider buying the GOG version if I wasn't first certain that it is uncensored.
I'm sure myself and the original poster are not the only ones who were/are unclear about if the GOG version is censored or not. That's why the GOG store should clear up any confusion by directly stating that it is uncensored. Maybe not everyone who needs to know the answer is going to bother to look for it or ask a question about it on the forum.
It is most definitely uncensored (as are the bonus materials you can download).
But don't buy it again! You should be able to redeem the product key from your retail edition
to get a free GOG copy. :)