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I always want to buy the full version of games, but this price is absurd. Here with the price more expensive than in other stores. On Steam for example the price is R$ 410.84 (which is already salty), why this different treatment for GOG users?!?
Bigghu: I always want to buy the full version of games, but this price is absurd. Here with the price more expensive than in other stores. On Steam for example the price is R$ 410.84 (which is already salty), why this different treatment for GOG users?!?
Unfortunately there is no regional pricing for this release :(
There IS regional pricing... but only "the salty ones":

GoG price for my country is 162 CHF = 183 USD
US price is around 146 USD = 146 USD (obviously)
Brazil price is around 824 BRL = 168 USD

Steam price for my country is 161 CHF = 182 USD (basically the same... )
US price is around 146 USD = basically the same price...
Brazil price is around 410 BRL it seems = 83 USD

In my mind, on my country it is "far above the edge", on the US market it is still goblin-robbery... however, and i can totally agree... for Brazil it is "robbery fresh from hell" and even the Steam price is far from being kind... although much cheaper.

Apparently they had in mind "DRM free" is a bonus and only for the wealthy Brazil-people...

Sure i agree that a complete version would be "nice to have" but it seems like this kind of stuff nowadays is becoming unrealistic... and even for me i think the next time i may not pay this price for a "full version" anymore; it is simply beyond "common sense" for what you get in exchange.

However, the issue truly is: Those sort of games got a rather small customer base, yet the development cost of a game of this quality is still not that low. So in order to make it work somehow... the few fans simply may have to pay shinys "out of their nose"... if not we will most likely either only get "very low quality Japanese games" or... "no Japanese games at all".

So, you surely will not get those games for an Apple and an Egg... as for me, it is still probably priced the highest in absolute terms.

Of course, using a GoG key i could have "saved up" around 35-40 USD because this US Gift-key is working for me. The Brazil-key on the other hand is not global and it will not work on any other account except for the Brazil one. So the US version is actually "supreme"...

Still... my policy on GoG in general is, i do not use a key here... (not always making me feel confident... because some stuff is really ugly...)

Besides, even for me, 35-40 USD is not "free"... i could go buy me some food which will last for almost a week... because still "a lot of noodles or bread". Supporting and loving Japanese games seems to "come at a cost".

At least i have to thank those goblins in disguise still: I got a dream BMI because i simply can not afford to much food anymore...!

I think it could even be goblinsharks in disguise: https:/----/
Post edited July 11, 2023 by Xeshra
Some more price infos i was gathering, because i try to understand this whole situation:

This time Steam only because on GoG the regional pricing is rarely going down a certain range, which means: US is usually the cheapest regional pricing here with some countrys going above (my country for example). The price range is still around 20% in average fluctuations, dependable on game, which is very huge in marketing/financial terms, nothing to be taken "lightly". There was a time GoG was paying out those "changes in regional pricing" to the less lucky ones (for example me) but they apparently almost was going bankrupt doing so and at some point GoG stopped handing out the "exceeding" prices charged for the less lucky ones.

I still want to remember: The US price on "Trails into Reverie" GOG vs. Steam is exactly the same... but it is different for other countrys.

Anyway, the current prices on 3 different Falcom-games on Steam is like this:

Kuro no Kiseki Ultimate Version with 45% price cut (CLE Version):

My country: 86 CHF = 100 USD (+0%) Basically the "upper marker", so i will compare it with this.

US: 81 USD = 81 USD (-19%)
Brazil: 427 BRL = 89 USD (-11%)
China: 536 CNY = 74 USD (-16%)
India: 6100 INR = 74 USD (-16%)

Note: It is around the range we usually could expect on GoG. Big enough in order to bankrupt GoG, if they would keep paying out the differences.

Trails into Reverie Standard + Ultimate Version (NIS Version):

My country: 66/162 CHF = 77/188 USD (+0%).

US: 60/145 USD = 60/145 USD (-29/29%)
Brazil: 162/410 BRL = 34//86 USD (-60/60%)
China: 248/610 CNY = 35/85 USD (-60/60%)
India: 2600/6500 INR = 32/79 USD (-70/70%)

Well... this is now indeed "huge regional pricing". If Steam would have to pay out anyone above Brazil-price... they would probably become bankrupt at some point. However,.. for the publisher the matter is simple: Better to charge way lesser than "not having a paying customer at all". Because they, in most terms, try to go to the limit they are able to charge, which is the harsh rule of capitalism. Not every publisher is like that... some are fair to all customers and some... simply not. Although i think, the majority is using regional pricing which is fluctuating in a range around 20% (compared to USD price, going up and down from there).

Another Falcom-Game for comparison, maybe able to provide a more clear picture:

YS Monstrum Nox Utimate Version (NIS Version):

My country: 95 CHF = 110 USD (+0%).

US: 94 USD = 94 USD (-16%)
Brazil: 271 BRL = 57 USD (-57%)
China: 342 CNY = 48 USD (-60%)
India: 4158 INR = 50 USD (-59%)

About the same we was able to see on "Reverie", although the US and India was charged a bit more on "Monstrum Nox". I guess my country "had to make up for it" so it was going up there even more. In general, the game was much more "gentle" priced, as it is the Ultimate version... which was way cheaper for everyone.

Funny... i dunno what to say. Either they are unable to calculate (this would explain some issues with the game code) or they really just charge "as hard as possible" given a certain circumstances. Steam for sure is a very bad choice for me... in general. I rather go GoG or PS5 (both are very popular platforms in my country i feel).
Post edited July 17, 2023 by Xeshra