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Finished main game and Ruins of Limis dlc1.
Which were epic :)
So the story travels to chapter 11, the start of dlc3.
But I would like to play also the Arena, dlc2.
Was wondering do the characters just sort of get exp and stuff in isolation?
Is this sort of a total aside from the main questline... so that what ever happens here,
the stuff will be removed and such and I get back what I had at the end of dlc1 only,
when chapter 11 starts? No buffs, exp, bonuses if I have finished the Arena first?
I do like the feel of the Arena, but would like just to make sure to know there is no other aim
than to beat it?
Post edited March 05, 2023 by superstande
The arena is stand-alone. You start it at level 1, finish at level 11, can't bring over items from the main game/DLC 1 and after finishing it, it won't let you carry anything over. If you finish DLC 1 with DLC 3 installed it will start DLC 3 with all the character builds and items you had. (money doesn't carry over between the main game and the DLC episodes, although you CAN cheat a bit by buying expensive equipment, finishing the main game/DLC 1 and then sell it when you first get to a store)