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Some workarounds were mentioned here and elsewhere, none of them worked for me. Here is a list:

- Install the VC Redistributable located in the Banner Saga 2 directory
- Install Adobe Reader
- Run the program as administrator
- Run the program in compatibility mode of Windows 8, 7, Vista.

The developer complains about Adobe AIR that was used to develop the game. So I guess, installing Adobe Reader maybe installs some DLL that was missing on some people's systems.

"The unfortunate side of this is that Adobe puts very little priority on supporting developers, and as a result the AIR technology is difficult to use, the tools are perpetually buggy, and it appears to be slowly dying through neglect. The kicker is that it's a total black box, and no source code license is available, so when something goes wrong, you may well just be screwed."

DId anybody here have success contacting the developer and getting a solution?