Posted December 03, 2015

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted March 10, 2017
high rated

Addons Stuff
- Added new hooks "Quest:init" and "Quest:setStatus"
- Added new hooks "UseTalents:generate" and "UseTalents:use" to mimic the UseItemMenu ones
- Added new hooks "InfiniteDungeon:getLayouts" and "InfiniteDungeon:getGrids" to add new varieties to the "abnormal" ID levels
- Added hook "ShertulFortress:exploratoryPortal:specialLocation" to add new special places to the portal
-Added hook "Combat:attackTargetWith:attackerBonuses"
- Recursing attacks, like Sawrd in Embers of Rage, can be set to deal less procs damage
- Fix bug in Actor:fireTalentCheck and Actor:iterCallbacks clearing __project_source field incorrectly after callbacks.
- Entity: Added getTemporaryValue function. Updated some temp value error messages to include name/uid of entity involved.
- New actor property: "talent_no_resources" to make individual talents cost no resources
- Added handling for actor.forbid_talents table
- Static tmx loader can now understand object layers with names like "spawn#actor"
- Actor:getTalentLevel will correctly return 0 for unknown talents
- Actor:canSee correctly calculates and uses the correct chance to see when the target has both Stealth and Invisibility.
- Game:logVisible does a better job at determining when non-actors are identified by the Player in log messages. Updated the comments for the log management functions.
- The Building map generator can now accommodate rooms.
- Rooms are (depending on their design) seamlessly integrated with the BSP-based automatic buildings.
- Added a rng.rarityTable function
- Stores can now ignore material levels with ignore_material_levels=true
- New callback "callbackOnQuickSwitchWeapons"

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted March 11, 2017

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted March 17, 2017
high rated