The cyborg midwives are the creepiest and with the most unsettling backstories but in terms of gameplay the protocol droids are just awful. Maybe the only enemy in the game you can't even stand right next to without potentially getting yourself killed, let alone while melee attacking them. And they're most plentiful in the early portions in the game in the area with the tightest spaces and where your ammo is most limited. Ugh. Actually any of the mechanic enemies, from the turrets, security bots, and the most dreaded enemy of all, the SECURITY CAMERAS, are all roughly equally unpleasant to encounter. I also hate the spiders for all the anti-toxins you can waste while trying to fight them. The swarms are pretty bothersome too.
The rumblers aren't too bad when you're fighting them head-on but the sounds of their presence are pretty scary, especially if you don't know what you're getting into (also pretty creepy-looking themselves, just give a good look at their shoulders when you get the chance...).
Post edited February 14, 2013 by cannard