kakiss4: You can find the DLL for the Gog Galaxy Launcher within the Game Files, i did mess around putting it elsewhere, but nothing happened ;)
I don't care about Archivements, was just curious.
I have installed the Game on my D: Drive.
D:\Games\System Shock Remake\SystemShock\Plugins\OnlineSubsystemGOG\Source\ThirdParty\GalaxySDK\Libraries\Galaxy64.dll
Gog is on
D:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\GOG Galaxy
Maybe it is something simple and stupid in the End :)
Where did you install your Game and Galaxy?
I thought this as well but, I have Cyberpunk 2077 installed on my D: drive and GoG is on my C: drive and the achievements are working fine there. Sadly the whole GoG system has not worked properly since I have been using it, from stuff like this to the never ending battle some have with the app never wanting to update correctly or the amount of stuff you have to redo anytime you may have to re-install it etc etc. In the end though, I just deal with it cause there is something comforting in knowing that I can actually have a copy of the game I buy here instead of it feeling like a long term rental...cough cough (extremely heated water vapor) cough cough ..ahem