Thanks for coming to help. It seems though your solution is more addressed towards WINE/Windows environment, but you did give me a major clue with "native=0" approach and it did work out in the end, more or less such as you said.
Here is what I did:
Initially, I searched for file named 'launcher-game-settings.json', primarily in the original game folder, concluding I do not have such one - confirmed through 'sudo updatedb', followed by 'locate file'. But since the engine should understand the same definitions or the same logic, regardless of the system, I assumed something like "native" and "screen resolution" ought to appear somewhere eventually within game data, the way you described it, in a file readable to a basic text editor. Original game directory did not provide much information, but Linux also likes to store contributing data either directly under 'home' directory or in '.config' and '.local' subdirectories - which are hidden. It came out '.config' did have 'unity3d' directory, storing 'SUPERHOT_Team' folder, which has led me down the route to a file named 'launcher_info.json'. Good trail, but it came out it was not the 'launcher_info.json' that I was looking for, but one named simply 'prefs'. Within the 'prefs', there was something about the likes of what you have mentioned. There, I modified a line mentioning 'native' from value '1' to '0', as well as entered width and height of target screen resolution. By the way, the same folder includes a file named 'config.cfg', which contains transparently defined keybindings, if someone wanted to change it.
So, in the end, yes, it did work, indirectly. Thank you for assistance.