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Like most Jeinlein fans, i believe the movies were an insult to Heinlein and his book. Hollywood activism at its infancy. The movies took a great premise and turned it into a mess. Similar to what Russell Crowe did to Noah.

So, does the game more mimic the book or the movies?
I never read the book, but I've been watching someone on YouTube play it from a promotional release from the company. What I saw, came across like the first movie. None of the characters from the movie are in the game but the basis is you control different groups of soldiers and they take out bugs while setting up radio towers, reinforcements, etc. So to answer your question, the game looks and feels like a movie.
Game description states:

Starship Troopers: Terran Command is a thrilling real-time strategy game set in the Starship Troopers movies universe.
Post edited June 17, 2022 by Korell
The game takes from the movies the graphic aspect of many things, the jokes, the bugs and the photography of battle areas in general, and also the musics.

There are also references to characters present in the movies.

I still anyway consider the older game "Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy" by far superior to this one... they could have just remade that game as it was, but with this newer engine...
Post edited November 07, 2022 by powergod
powergod: The game takes from the movies the graphic aspect of many things, the jokes, the bugs and the photography of battle areas in general, and also the musics.

There are also references to characters present in the movies.

I still anyway consider the older game "Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy" by far superior to this one... they could have just remade that game as it was, but with this newer engine...
Agree. I prefer books more and it looks like a book to me. Sometimes I like to write market and business analyses myself, and I turn to to get writing help from professional writers
Post edited April 27, 2023 by thomashard
The first movie, both in visuals, portrayal of the universe, jokes, serious but humorous atmosphere, parody made look serious etc...

Paul Verhoeven and Edward Neumeier did a parody of the USA corporate culture, conveyed in a sci-fi action movie in Robocop (1987) and their Starship Troopers (1997) movie was on those very same lines, doing a parody of fascism in another sci-fi action movie.

Another "parody but serious" by this same director was Total Recall (1990), about corporate greed against people and environment.

Even indie developers can't base a current videogame on a 1950's novel about the then USA patriotic values, which isn't a parody, without risking being defunded by the dreaded woke-o-meter which funds use to decide if they lend their recently printed money or not to those actually doing work.

So, the short answer is no, and most than likely won't, unless it's either a one man videogame or the current sensibilities radically change to something else.