Posted May 18, 2016
Hi all,
I'm a member of the Emperor's Hammer and their TIE Corps, a 'role play' and X-Wing series community.
We play all the X-Wing games, generate new content, and play other Space and Star Wars related games (like Battlefront).
We are massive fans of all the Star Wars space sims, and have a huge archive of missions - thousands of custom made missions and battles for each platform.
The role play aspect is that the club takes the loose form of the Imperial Navy - with members grouped into squadrons for competitions. We are a lively community, and are still producing new content!
So, if you'd like to have more reasons to play the games, more reasons to get those last few Sims from this great site, then look up the TIE Corps, or ask me about it here.
That, and I'm always game for some XvT co-op!
I'm a member of the Emperor's Hammer and their TIE Corps, a 'role play' and X-Wing series community.
We play all the X-Wing games, generate new content, and play other Space and Star Wars related games (like Battlefront).
We are massive fans of all the Star Wars space sims, and have a huge archive of missions - thousands of custom made missions and battles for each platform.
The role play aspect is that the club takes the loose form of the Imperial Navy - with members grouped into squadrons for competitions. We are a lively community, and are still producing new content!
So, if you'd like to have more reasons to play the games, more reasons to get those last few Sims from this great site, then look up the TIE Corps, or ask me about it here.
That, and I'm always game for some XvT co-op!