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I've been trying to get my 360 controller to work properly with the X-Wing 1994 edition. It works pretty well with the 1998 edition but I'd much, much prefer to play the former considering it's the most complete experience. I have been pulling my hair out trying to setup my controller in the way I want, using primarily third-party tools like JoyToKey. There's a guide available out there which explains how to do this in detail but it doesn't seem to relate all that well to my GOG installation. There's a trick I'm missing here but I don't know what it is.

My primary issue is that some buttons on the 360 controller seem to be fixed to a certain action within the game, no matter what I map them to otherwise. The A button is always the fire button and the Y button removes the HUD - which is a sore waste of a button - even though I have mapped these buttons differently through JoyToKey. Right now I have given up trying to solve this situation myself and therefore I reach out to anyone who might help in this issue.
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Megadei: I've been trying to get my 360 controller to work properly with the X-Wing 1994 edition. It works pretty well with the 1998 edition but I'd much, much prefer to play the former considering it's the most complete experience. I have been pulling my hair out trying to setup my controller in the way I want, using primarily third-party tools like JoyToKey. There's a guide available out there which explains how to do this in detail but it doesn't seem to relate all that well to my GOG installation. There's a trick I'm missing here but I don't know what it is.

My primary issue is that some buttons on the 360 controller seem to be fixed to a certain action within the game, no matter what I map them to otherwise. The A button is always the fire button and the Y button removes the HUD - which is a sore waste of a button - even though I have mapped these buttons differently through JoyToKey. Right now I have given up trying to solve this situation myself and therefore I reach out to anyone who might help in this issue.
You have to check if there is a software that allows to create a virtual peripheral which allows you to swap places to buttons (like making whatever button you want to be "button A") and eliminate the buttons you don't need and only make them "virtual" (as in just sending keyboard commands), I have no clue if there is a third party software that can do this, perhaps Xpadder?
Megadei: My primary issue is that some buttons on the 360 controller seem to be fixed to a certain action within the game, no matter what I map them to otherwise. The A button is always the fire button and the Y button removes the HUD - which is a sore waste of a button - even though I have mapped these buttons differently through JoyToKey.
You are talking about the Dosbox version of the game, right? Don't use thrid-party software, use the build-in mapper in Dosbox (supposedly reachable via CTRL+F1).