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I'm playing the '95 CD version of TIE Fighter, although the problem happens in all versions (even '98). It's less noticeable in X-Wing, but still happens now and then.

Basically, the game controls just fine under most circumstances. Steering is smooth, and aiming works normally 95% of the time.

But now and then, especially if things get busier than normal (with cap ships, etc), the controls get really weird. It's not like regular slowdown or choppiness. It almost feels as if I've hit turbulence -- like the game is trying to force me to aim away from whatever target I'm pursuing. The game is still playable, but made considerably more difficult by the need to constantly adjust for whatever erratic movement starts to throw my ship around.

The effect is easiest to see/feel in the Training Mazes. Around level 3, if I come around a corner and there are lots of targets, the problem kicks in. You have to wrestle with the stick to keep the craft aimed on a target. Once I pass that section, things go back to normal again. It's also easy to detect on missions with small stationary targets like mines.

I've changed every setting I can think of in DosBox, and nothing seems to affect it. I've also tried fiddling with the in-game graphics settings, and no difference there, either. It's also clear that it isn't a joystick or calibration problem. I can disconnect the stick and play with a mouse, and it still happens.

Anybody else have this issue? I don't see any other posts describing this sort of thing. And if so, any idea how to make it stop? It's driving me nuts. At this point, I kind of just want to know I'm not the only one and that this is a known problem.

Thanks in advance.
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greysealdvm: snip
Not sure if this helps but there's a video guide by fellow GOG member PhilsComputerLabon about the DOS CD version:
There's no perfect config for TIE-Fighter in DosBox.

I know that the DOS version can become quite choppy in busy situations but I haven't had any problems in the windows version.
greysealdvm: snip
ShadowOwl: Not sure if this helps but there's a video guide...
Thanks. I've watched this (and used it for a lot of my settings), but no avail.

I have to say, it baffles me that the problem exists in the old DOS versions as well as the newer Windows version. It suggests that Dosbox has nothing to do with anything, and that it's an issue with the game itself.

I just don't understand why nobody else seems to be having it. It's not subtle. It feels like strong gusts of wind are blowing you off course while you try to aim.

I have this stutter problem as well. I think it has to do with the 3D acceleration. I had less problems with software rendering.
This is a limitation of the X-Wing and TIE Fighter 3D engine, when you point the craft directly into the z+ or z- axis the craft wants to drift away.
I suspect the developers deliberately programmed it this way in order to avoid a bug in the code which causes your craft to flip into the opposite direction if you can point it completely into the z+ or z-, which happened to me a couple of times as the precision of my T.16000m joystick allows me to do that.

It sadly makes the TIE Fighter proving ground very frustrating and there are a few missions where they have an missionobjective flying along the z-axis to frustrate you even more.