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Hi there!

I don't understand which button does what function. The only thing I do know is that the left analog stick controls the aircraft and green A button shoots, what about the rest? Do all the buttons even have a function? I'm a newbie when it comes to controllers.
OldmansHQ: Hi there!

I don't understand which button does what function. The only thing I do know is that the left analog stick controls the aircraft and green A button shoots, what about the rest? Do all the buttons even have a function? I'm a newbie when it comes to controllers.
Just go into the game settings and set up the controller buttons the way you want them to be. Then you'll know what they all do.
OldmansHQ: Hi there!

I don't understand which button does what function. The only thing I do know is that the left analog stick controls the aircraft and green A button shoots, what about the rest? Do all the buttons even have a function? I'm a newbie when it comes to controllers.
korell: Just go into the game settings and set up the controller buttons the way you want them to be. Then you'll know what they all do.
Smart... However I'd rather keep it the way it is, the defaults reset all settings of which I changed a lot, and if I have to keep resetting to find out what button each does, one by one, and while playing you can't change those settings I think. This a recipe for madness :<. I was hoping someone who's taking care of this section of the forum would know this.
These are the default settings as they apply to my 360 controller:
Primary Weapon - A (Button 1)
Secondary Weapon - B (Button 2)
Link Weapon - RB (Button 6)
Thrust/Brake - X/Y (Button 3/4) and triggers
Left/Right Brake - Right/Left thumbstick buttons (Button 10/9)
Roll - Back (Button 7)
Cycle cameras - Start (Button 8)
Special - LB (Button 5)
Look around - D-pad

I'm pretty sure the right thumbstick has no function.
Post edited February 04, 2015 by TheEddevilish
TheEddevilish: These are the default settings as they apply to my 360 controller:
Primary Weapon - A (Button 1)
Secondary Weapon - B (Button 2)
Link Weapon - RB (Button 6)
Thrust/Brake - X/Y (Button 3/4) and triggers
Left/Right Brake - Right/Left thumbstick buttons (Button 10/9)
Roll - Back (Button 7)
Cycle cameras - Start (Button 8)
Special - LB (Button 5)
Look around - D-pad

I'm pretty sure the right thumbstick has no function.
Thank you very much!

EDIT: In the mission where you have to defend the city, you have to use the harpoon. I tried ALL buttons none of them shoot the harpoon. I keep losing that mission, because I can't get past that one obstacle.
Post edited February 05, 2015 by OldmansHQ
OldmansHQ: EDIT: In the mission where you have to defend the city, you have to use the harpoon. I tried ALL buttons none of them shoot the harpoon. I keep losing that mission, because I can't get past that one obstacle.
The harpoon can only be used under certain conditions, so if you aren't placed correctly in relation to the AT-AT then you won't be able to fire the harpoon.

Fly low to the ground and approach the legs of the AT-AT as if you are going to fly past it. As you get very close you should hear a voice (co-pilot? radio?) telling you to use your harpoon (you'll learn from that audio prompt how close you need to be, I don't think you always have to wait for it to be said first). Now you can fire the harpoon.

Then proceed to fly around the AT-AT (the tighter your circle the better - using the left/right brakes helps here). After three passes the cable detaches itself and the AT-AT will fall. Get too far away from the AT-AT, however, and the cable detaches so you have to fly back in close and fire it again.
Post edited February 05, 2015 by korell
OldmansHQ: EDIT: In the mission where you have to defend the city, you have to use the harpoon. I tried ALL buttons none of them shoot the harpoon. I keep losing that mission, because I can't get past that one obstacle.
korell: The harpoon can only be used under certain conditions, so if you aren't placed correctly in relation to the AT-AT then you won't be able to fire the harpoon.

Fly low to the ground and approach the legs of the AT-AT as if you are going to fly past it. As you get very close you should hear a voice (co-pilot? radio?) telling you to use your harpoon (you'll learn from that audio prompt how close you need to be, I don't think you always have to wait for it to be said first). Now you can fire the harpoon.

Then proceed to fly around the AT-AT (the tighter your circle the better - using the left/right brakes helps here). After three passes the cable detaches itself and the AT-AT will fall. Get too far away from the AT-AT, however, and the cable detaches so you have to fly back in close and fire it again.
Ok, thanks super much :).