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I know it sounds strange, but after I finished the first mission with a bronze medal, I wanted to get the silver one. Every time I achieve bronze again, there are no crashes but once I am better and should get the silver one the game crashes. Any ideas?

Btw: Great easter eggs in mission 1: R2 and C3POs escape capsule and, even better, the training run in beggars canyon with two fighters from Rebel Assault!!
I am giving up for now.

I tried it with one CPU core, tried this exe:

finally achieved gold in the first mission

but it keeps on crashing at the end of mission 3.

Compatiblity modes either didn't change anything or I could'nt use them because they deactivated my XBox Controller.

If anyone has an idea I'll glady test it.

EDIT: OK, I just tried nGlide and although version 1.3 has a similar crashing issue after each mission, the game at least SAVES my progress. And the game looks great in 2560 x 1440 :)
Post edited January 25, 2015 by Silver83
My crashes stopped when I left the game at 640x480. It doesn't have anything to do with Silver medals, it just crashes when the resolution changes.
Yeah, it could have been a coincidence. BUT, I solved my prblem pretty much completely:

I just copied the nGlide 1.2 files directly into the ROGUE folder, so that I have 1.3 globaly and 1.2 only for Rogue squadron. Now it doesn't crash anymore after a mission and I can play it at a high resolution.

Remaining problem: My ship moves ayway form the camera at camera setting 2. So I just have to use the other camera settings.

Problem solved.

EDIT: I have to use the edited exe file, otherwise the game crashes after the main menu. I posted the link in my earlier posting.
Post edited January 25, 2015 by Silver83
The game crash after each mission is a known issue with nGlide 1.03 and should be fixed in the next release (1.04). For now, if you want to use nGlide you have to use 1.02.
Thanks for the info but I just said that :)
Silver83: Thanks for the info but I just said that :)
I said it was a known issue, as in the nglide developer knows about it and will be trying to fix it.

Your CPU single core fix can be done without downloading other executables, though. You can create a shortcut that launches the game executable from the GOG installation with just a single core affinity. I posted about it in these forums somewhere.

As for compatibility modes, turning them all off has gotten the 360 controller working for some, but I use something called vJoy, a virtual joystick. I then use Universal Joystick Remapper to map my 360 controller controls onto the vJoy virtual device. With vJoy as the preferred device (in Windows Control Panel) and the 360 as a secondary controller, the game then picks up vJoy as the joystick and it works great. Plus it allows me to add sensitivity and deadzone settings to the controller. A bit complicated to set up, I know, but it works great for old DirectInput games.
korell: Your CPU single core fix can be done without downloading other executables, though. You can create a shortcut that launches the game executable from the GOG installation with just a single core affinity. I posted about it in these forums somewhere.
I did that with RunFirst but strangely I lost my joysick by doing that. And according to the link I posted, the exe does more than setting it to single core:

"The problem is that the original exe is trying to read from an invalid memory address and then it crashes. Sadly this exe is not compatible with glide wrappers, so you are stuck with Direct3D"

Nevertheless: Thanks for the info about vJoy. May need this in the future.
Post edited January 25, 2015 by Silver83
Silver83: "The problem is that the original exe is trying to read from an invalid memory address and then it crashes. Sadly this exe is not compatible with glide wrappers, so you are stuck with Direct3D"
This has not been my experience. I believe GOG is using an exe that is similar or identical to my own, with the crash fix and fully compatible with nGlide. See here for instructions.