Posted January 27, 2017
Does anyone know an EXACT way to make this thing follow me???? I've tried so many times and read just about every walkthrough! These classic SIerra games have the WORST fan-made walkthroghs I've ever seen! This is what I do: wait until it appears and starts shooting, then I walk into the left cave... it walks right up to the cave, you can see in the imprints, then when it walks under the waterfall it becomes visible shortly, but if I jump across the ledge, I see the imprints moving back away from the caves then it disappears, and I have to walk back over and wait for it to appear again... If I wait on the one ledge before jumping across, it appears in the walkway and shoots me! So to recap, as soon as I jump across the ledge, it walks away from cave and leaves the screen completely.. If I stand on the west ledge and wait, it shoots me... the walkthroughs make it 1000 times worse, with the blatantly incorrect information, e.g. go left, when it should be right, use the hand icon, when it is the walk icon needed, etc etc