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Forgive me for posting a few threads to submit my feedback. I am unable to post more in my original thread because of the limitations, and I can't simply make a second post in my own thread because it doesn't let me. Please hang in there with me while I try to put the rest of these threads out, and I hope it doesn't inconvenience anyone. It should only be a small handful of threads, and I hope maybe a moderator could merge them for me later if that's okay. Thank you for understanding and have a very good day.

#74 I think it's unusual that you can't actually target any real part of the ship (or at least, for some unexplained reason I am not able to) I am able to tell the guns where to shoot, but that seems to be about it. I want to shoot the engines so pirates can't run away, but it doesn't really do any engine specific damage as far as I can see, and only seems to do shield or health damage on the health or shield bar. Right now the damage done to ships feels "fake", and doesn't feel like I'm really using real ship weapons to hit a real ship. I really want to see some epic ship destruction to be honest, and I would like realistic damage to be done in real time, similar to how the crew can shoot and break doors and other objects, but on a ship wide scale.

#75 There is a huge problem with gift giving and trading where if you gift fuel and space credits/money to another ship, those resources do not show up in their trade inventory even if you wait a long time, meaning that there is no way for you to trade with them further and get some of those credits and fuel back in exchange for a bunch of other trade items. I meant to gift it to them to increase relationship points, but then I said, Okay well now they have money so I guess I can sell more things they want to them if they really need it because I have so many things to sell, but the money just disappears when you gift it. The money and fuel just vanish.

#76 I had an entire glitched playthrough where 100% of all ships I came across had no money to trade at all. every single ship from all factions had no money on them.

#77 (#69) was duplicated entry, and I wrote #77 better so I just erased #69) I find it incredibly frustrating that no matter how much money you have, the amount given as a gift constantly changes based on how much money you have, so that it's always a massive percentage of the amount of money you have. If you have more money, you lose more because of the gift. It's a horrible mechanic to be honest, I would much rather choose what to give as a gift. The game just makes up a very unfair number every time.

#78 It really bothers me that I can't trade more than 10 items at once, and then I have to make four trades, but I'm only allowed to make four, but then they happen too slowly. It would be nice if each ship would trade with each other by launching out the giant trade package all in one go, and basically just allow each side to dock to the area where the trade package was launched in space and begin gathering it outside their ship. (the trade package would land near the airlock off to the side to not block the shuttle, but close enough that crew could go outside with the shuttle and dock next to it.)

#79 Sometimes the crew get stuck on the consoles and keep making a green loading bar even if there is no yellow(work) or red(emergency) setting, and they are also not drafted.

#80 I figured out that lights = comfort points... so I spammed a million lights everywhere all over my ship and got the comfort level higher, but the game already makes my eyes hurt and gives me a huge headache (needs more brightness settings and video and audio options in general) after the lights were built on my ship, the game became so bright that I had to reload and old save rather then painstakingly deconstruct every single light I built. It was so bright. The horror. The horror! Comfort is obviously broken lol. also screen brightness in game lol.

#81 I would really like to have more system points for my ship so I could put way more shields and weapons and everything on it. It seems really unusual to be limited, and I just want to have total freedom.

#82 it would be really cool to be able to explore an abandoned ship and bring a backup powercore and restore power to the ship to turn all the lights back on

#83 for some reason, there doesn't appear to be any way to make the crew visit your ally ships in an easy way. I don't know what to do, but the best that I was able to accomplish was to draft them and make them board a shuttle and force them to go, but once they are there, if you undraft them they just leave, unless you change their entire schedule to have free time and draft them at the same time, drop them off at the ally ship and undraft only the crew, but keep the shuttle drafted. Then they still get back in the shuttle even if it wont go anywhere and just wait there. By the time they actually arrive at the ally ship, their whole schedule is already at night time and they are very tired and need to go to sleep, even though they started boarding the shuttles in the early morning and skipped breakfast. My ship was parked directly next to theirs. It just seems like such a very tedious and difficult way to make the visit happen. There just isn't enough time in a day, and just not enough energy in every crew member to make it realistically possible.

#84 crew vs crew combat feels completely broken at this stage because you can only bring so many people on one shuttle, and even if you try to bring more on an extra shuttle, there's no time for any complicated positioning or tactics because the entire crew runs out of oxygen extremely fast, forcing me to retreat over 20 times per battle, return to base for oxygen, go back to battle and fight for 1 second and then rush back to base again for more oxygen. If you just walk in with 4 people on one shuttle 20 pirates with shotguns just spam the crew and they all surrender instantly. There is no real good solid fun reasonable way to have crew vs crew combat. It's better to just stay in your ship for 2 days while the pirates run out of air. It's just not fun.

#85 At this current point in the game, I really do love the game. I really really love it, but I have to take a break from it for a few months until it's doing a bit better. I'm very happy that I bought the game, and I'm very excited for all it's going to grow and improve, but for now, I'm totally burned out and I must stop for a while. The last thing that finally made me decide to take a break was that I was building a really special ship and I was about to finish it and a pirate ship came and shot it with one little laser and then it warped out and disappeared and the whole ship exploded, right as I was about to finish building it. I don't know why that's allowed. It's just so cruel and unfair. I have to take a break.

I hope all this feedback helped and have a nice day.
This question / problem has been solved by AdmiralGeezerimage
(Continuation from part 5) addressed eventually... =)
AdmiralGeezer: (Continuation from part 5) addressed eventually... =)
That was very cool. thank you. = )