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So I started playing the game after setting it up properly, and I had a few questions I couldn't find answers for.

First, is it possible to add a toggle for crouching and prone ?

Second, is there any way to add fast switching weapons when using the weapon keys instead of the mouse wheel ?

And third, is there any way to fix the camera-clipping-through-walls issue I have when walking next to surfaces ? I have this even with an unmodified FOV and a basic natively supported 4:3 resolution

(currently running at 1920x1080 with a modified 16:9 fov, supposed to be around 95 but the game defaults it to 106 which makes the issue worse)
Post edited August 11, 2023 by SkaarjWarrior
Responding here since I'd rather "necro" an existing thread on the topic than clog up the forum with new threads

I found something called "Tactical Config" online

It's linked here


It advertises having toggle crouch ability

Quickly looking through the cfg, I figured out the relevant lines for toggling crouch would be:

set crouch1 "bind shift vstr crouch0; +movedown"
set crouch0 "bind shift vstr crouch1; -movedown"
bind shift "vstr crouch1"

(modified from their CFG to use Shift for crouch instead of V, which is more common, but pick whatever key you like)

Each of the three lines can be pasted into the in-game console separately, or I suppose you could save them to autoexec.cfg

My guess is that setting up prone would be similar

Not exactly sure how to achieve a "quickswitching" effect. If you made a bind like

bind [key] inventory[n];+attack"

it would always just pick the first weapon in slot [n]. Maybe there's some way to do an "alias" like the above trick, but I don't know

As for the wall clipping, I have no idea either. I never experienced that, and I run a 4:3 resolution in a window as well, not sure why it would happen. Maybe someone else has some ideas. Bump so others see it

I'd also recommend changing the topic title to include "toggle crouch" and other keywords, since I was looking for a solution to that and scrolled past this topic repeatedly because "quality of life" is a bit vague. It might also help others find the crouch toggle solution I detailed above

Edit: Removed erroneous "code tags"
Post edited June 19, 2024 by gubbles