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Hi all,

We have updated the PC and Mac version of Smugglers V to version 1.3 (yes, it's the same as the Steam version 1.3b :) ).

Please download the latest installer in order to get the latest and greatest version of Smugglers V :)


- Big new feature (Community reward): Smugglers 5: Secession now features a higher native screen resolution for the main game screens and an updated combat system to make battles more varied.
- Balance change: Enemy accuracy has been lowered in favor of the player to make combat a bit easier.
- Balance change: Player accuracy has been increased in favor of the player to make combat a bit easier.
- Balance change: Focusbeam and Focusbeam 2 damage has been increased a lot to make the skill more useful. After Smugglers 4 it´s effectiveness got nerfed due to the fact that you needed the target lock skill active and the damage had been reduced.
- Balance change: ECM protection skill does not use up two skills anymore.
- Bug fixed: There was a message stating that the Ace and Ace of Aces skills require more activated skills than they need after V. 1.2c.
- Bug fixed: There was a bug where trying to load up shields when shields were full resulted in the shield display to be faulty.
- Bug fixed: There were some numbers on the campaign screen visible, which were forgotten after debugging the 1.2 update.
- Bug fixed: On the HD display of the combat screen the skill info box was not centered.
- Text added: When during shield recharging the max. shield is reached, there is a warning message.
- Text added: There is now an explicit line in the combat log when the usage of the "Immelmann" skill increases missile impact time by 1 turn
- Text added: For the new skills the missing quotes have been added.

Thanks and have a nice day :)

edit: MAC version added!
Post edited April 16, 2014 by JudasIscariot
Hooray! No more squinting at teeny tiny text or having to manually switch resolutions before playing. :)
Mac version added :)