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Win 7 x64 with Audigy 2ZS

I have a large selection of games (none that particularly modern) and they all have sound. The only Unreal engined game I have is the original UT and that plays sound without issue.

I get sound in the game launcher (mouse over buttons and the holy £$$%$% when selecting the highest settings level). When I launch the game nothing, not even the Apogee fanfare.

Anyone have any hints as to what to look at?

Also, the launcher seems to not save the settings. This seems a bit broken [for me]?

Edit: Game is ROTT reboot
Post edited July 31, 2013 by adamhearn
The launcher won't save for anybody. Some really good playtesting.
Ghostbreed: The launcher won't save for anybody. Some really good playtesting.
Agreed, seems pretty poor.

Got my sound to work eventually by reinstalling DX9.