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Here, ladies and gentlemen we are getting one hell of a reboot/ remake!
This topic deserves some discussion.

I'm super psyched for this game. The devs are all fans of the original and it has a fully Heavy Metal soundtrack! Hopefully it comes out this year.
Well Buckaroo, looks like your wish has come true. Does look interesting.
I am so happy this came to gog.
I am getting a little tired of all the top down games, rpg's, and adventure games, on gog all the time.
About time we got a fps here.
I've enjoyed what I have seen of this game so far and am excited for it;

HOWEVER if this game only has Hard Reset's crappy developers dictated checkpoint only saving and no real manual save with multiple save slots to combat corrupt saves then this game goes from being a preorder to a <$2.50 game in a couple of years for me if ever.
I have asked about quicksaves on the interceptor forums.
I will get back to you, if they respond.
or, you can go to their forums and ask in my thread also.
My prayers have been answered :)
at last.
Dave3d: I have asked about quicksaves on the interceptor forums.
I will get back to you, if they respond.
or, you can go to their forums and ask in my thread also.
I'm not greedy. Doesn't even have to be QS though that would be a plus. Just an ability to manually save and several slots to do so.. Checkpoint are fine but i hate how they are dictated by the developers who in doing so micromanage my gameplay.
I posted a topic like this ages ago.
I HATE checkpoint saving only! Please change this.
It appears we will be stuck with checkpoint only saving after all from the disrespectful lack of response from the developers. They are hiding. Every time I've seen a developer refuse to answer such simple questions they are hiding the fact they coped out and went with checkpoint only saving. This question has been asked on Steam, here on GOG and on interceptors forums but they are refusing to answer . There is no excuse for not answering such a simple question.

Now Croteam when we first heard they were coming out with SS3 were asked all kinds of questions in regards to SS3. They answered all of them that were not spoilers, all. When asked about QS and manual save . They answered immediately(couple of hours) with something to the effect of "why wouldn't we". No hiding no lying like Rebellion did on AvP2010 when they claimed one could save any time they wanted. No hiding from the potential customers like other developers and apparently Interceptor is doing currently.
Post edited July 06, 2013 by pcpotato459
will there also be the death scenes on game exit we had in original rott? something like driving the car from a cliff, the guillotine, electric chair, etc.? i would really appreciate this! and what about the fun cheats like rotation fun, extreme gib mode (/ekg)?
Dave3d: I have asked about quicksaves on the interceptor forums.
I will get back to you, if they respond.
or, you can go to their forums and ask in my thread also.
It appears they deleted your thread so I'm going with it's checkpoint only.
Post edited July 10, 2013 by pcpotato459
No, they didnt delete my thread.
It is here:;t=2933

But, sadly, it looks like its checkpoint only.

I pre-ordered anyway though, as it looks so freakin awesome, and fast paced, and old school.