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high rated
General Tips for starting out

Right out of the gates let me explain melee attacks as I understand them. Your offense (LVL X10 + AGI + Luck + Weapon Skill)- their defense + random roll(unknown amount but my guess is it is low)= graze/hit/critical hit depending on how high.

Monsters become "immune" if you spam a base attack (A, S, or D) against them, so alternating A (thrust) and S (slash) is ideal early on.
Slash has the largest Area in its hit box and the longest range. Thrust is the fastest. Cleave (D) sucks at everything.
Unless you are planning to go full caster NEVER kill a mob with a spell unless you have to.
Casting spells raises Invoke.. not killing monsters with them
The killing blow with a weapon raises Weapon Skill. Stick to one weapon type and never waiver (sword is best but hard early)
In the early game before you leave the mainland you hit a brick wall. Your weapon is too weak and the enemies hit too hard to melee with. Spam Fire Flash on them to get them low and kill them with your sword. Fish is cheap mana restore. Use BLOCK (F) to cancel spell animations.
Potions and food can heal you even if you are stunned/knocked down.
Apples do not restore Fatigue like they say they do.
You can only have one buff on you at a time, except Aura (late late game) but dont worry it doesn't even work.
Elemental resistances don't mean jack. You will still be knocked down. Magic resist is OK though.
The theoretical best offensive armor is Black Dragon Armor but it is broken and doesnt add %Attack like it should.
The best gloves for slashing weapons (and you went sword right? is Slicing Gloves. You will never replace them as they scale with better weapons.
When fighting Invis mobs dont be afraid to abuse Invis as well. Its just a dumb spell.
Paralyze ninjas unless you hate yourself.

30 is the cap
The highest Stats you need for weapons and armor are 23 STR and 22 CON. The BEST armor has no AGI penalties, but the armors leading up to it have -3 for a full set.
Reflex is relatively useless unless a pure caster.
Mind is only for pure casters.
AGI helps a lot more for hitting monsters than luck and weapon skill but your level is the most important.
Luck boosts offense and defense but less than Reflex and AGI.
The strongest stat buff you get is late game and is +5 to all stats but almost the entire game you will be using a +3 to all stats buff. So dont go over 27 AGI and ignore armor that has -AGI (ninja armor works well instead)

Post edited September 02, 2016 by erasmoth map of game

Liste of spell/rune
(edit soon)

Life = invoc food
Spirit = Powerboost
Moon= Poison cloud
Life + Sky = AntiPoison
moon + sky = flash fire (fireball)
life + spirit = Melee Boost
life + moon + spirit = immobility
Post edited April 01, 2020 by daebis
Spell and Talisman Chart

| Spell Name | Talisman Needed | Skill Level | Mana Cost |
FireFlash Moon,Sky 1 26
Poison --- Moon --- 1 --- 34
CurePoison --- Life,Sky --- 2 --- 21
Nourish --- Life --- 2 --- 34
FistMastery --- Life,Soul --- 3 --- 41
Might --- Soul --- 3 --- 26
MeteorStorm --- Earth,Sky --- 4 --- 56
Regeneration --- Life+Earth --- 5 --- 113
SwiftStrike --- Moon,Ocean --- 5 --- 64
Anti-Magic --- Sky,Stars --- 6 --- 56
Cataclysm --- Earth,Life,Law,Sky --- 6 --- 146
Dexterity --- Soul,Stars --- 6 --- 56
SwampPit --- Earth,Life,Ocean --- 7 --- 105
Tornado --- Earth,Sky,Stars --- 7 --- 79
Speed --- Life,Soul,Stars --- 8 --- 79
StoneSkin --- Moon+Earth --- 8 --- 126
PhysicalParalysis --- --- 9 --- 79
ShadowFist --- Moon,Stars --- 9 --- 126
FireWind --- Soul,Stars,Sun --- 10 --- 135
LightningBolt --- Sky,Sun --- 10 --- 101
Heal --- Life,Soul,Sun --- 11 --- 135
Charm --- Stars,Sun --- 12 --- 101
Teleport --- Ocean,Sky,Stars --- 12 --- 81
BloodDrain --- Life,Soul,Sun --- 13 --- 165
FireBall --- Stars,Sun --- 13 --- 124
ManaDrain --- Moon,Soul,Stars --- 14 --- 124
Invisibility --- Sky,Soul --- 15 --- 99
RockStorm --- Earth,Law,Sky --- 16 --- 146
IronSkin --- Earth,Moon,Ward --- 17 --- 234
TrollBlood --- Law,Life --- 17 --- 293
NeuralParalysis --- --- 18 --- 146
IceStorm --- Ocean,Law,Life --- 19 --- 242
Napalm --- Law,Sky,Sun --- 19 --- 181
OgreStrength --- Earth,Law,Moon,Ward --- 20 --- 181
WeaponMastery --- Moon,Sky,Soul,Sun --- 20 --- 290
Nullifier --- Soul,Ward --- 21 --- 181
Armageddon --- Earth,Sky,Stars --- 22 --- 274
IceBolt --- Ocean,Life,Sky --- 22 --- 206
AdvancedHealing --- Law,Life,Soul --- 23 --- 274
Quicksilver --- Earth,Ocean,Sky --- 23 --- 206
FullParalysis --- Life,Moon,Soul,Ward --- 24 --- 206
Crystalism --- Chaos,Death,Sky,Stars --- 25 --- 307
VampiricDrain --- Death,Life,Soul --- 25 --- 307
Aura --- Life,Soul,Stars,Ward --- 26 --- 268
EssenceDrain --- Chaos,Soul --- 26 --- 230
ImmortalMight --- Chaos,Earth,Moon,Soul --- 27 --- 255
Maelstrom --- Chaos,Death --- 27 --- 1,018
RestoreLife --- Law,Life,Soul --- 27 --- 509
Post edited April 01, 2020 by daebis