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I made some tests and I discovered that the save file was corrupting the game which was making the controller to stop working. In fact, the save file was from Biozard for PC which I thought it would work.

I have beat the game twice and then my xbox controller just stopped working!!

Also the only key that works on my keyboard is 'Shift'.

I uninstalled the game, installed it again and controller still doesn't work.

In fact, maybe this happened after I downloaded a save from the internet and put it in the SAVE folder in the game folder, I don't know, it's strange.
Post edited 3 days ago by GUZROCK
I'm having the same issue with my Dualsense controller not working after trying to copy saves from my other Classic Rebirth installation.

EDIT: I reinstalled RE and now the controller is working fine.
Post edited 3 hours ago by seb265