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That video with the GOG staff interviews needs to be front and center on the store page. It explains so much about this particular version of Resident Evil 1.
genericUNDEAD: That video with the GOG staff interviews needs to be front and center on the store page. It explains so much about this particular version of Resident Evil 1.
I rather want people to know that this is not the best version to play of Resident Evil 1, instead of having it blindly praised.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by the_3rdplayer
genericUNDEAD: That video with the GOG staff interviews needs to be front and center on the store page. It explains so much about this particular version of Resident Evil 1.
the_3rdplayer: I rather want people to know that this is not the best version to play of Resident Evil 1, instead of having it blindly praised.
Yup, paid promotion with an interview by GOG staff. If she had any negativity, she wouldn't have gotten this exclusive. She talked about FMV and game performance very little. Basically "framerate for the FMV is low, but the game loads soon after" or like "game runs a little choppy but you have costumes!"
Post edited June 26, 2024 by bteg
It's still informative and I think it's valuable to promote purchasing this bundle so that Capcom gets used to getting money from the DRM-free fan base. I just hope Haunting Ground gets the GOG treatment.
genericUNDEAD: It's still informative and I think it's valuable to promote purchasing this bundle so that Capcom gets used to getting money from the DRM-free fan base. I just hope Haunting Ground gets the GOG treatment.
In the end of the day, I think this is what we want. Although I understand paid advertisement is never truly honest, its not like this version is unplayable. If Capcom end up releasing more new and old title on GoG, its a win for all of us
I wish DF would tear this port appart. Just to get a technical comparison and guideline how it performs to everything else of it that is out there. Not to spite on it, but to show the world what made these ports tick.
Post edited June 27, 2024 by the_3rdplayer
genericUNDEAD: That video with the GOG staff interviews needs to be front and center on the store page. It explains so much about this particular version of Resident Evil 1.
Unless she had some special version of it theres no way she missed the framerate fluctuations. she decided to ignore it, kind of dishonest.

I still would have bought it regardless to support the old classics but seriously when you have an audience like she does you need to be completely honest and transparent or you start losing credibility.

It's not a good idea to advertise that video and bring more light to how very clearly biased the video is. It's not good for anyone involved.
Post edited June 27, 2024 by aureilia
high rated
No thank you, keep e-celebrities away.
genericUNDEAD: That video with the GOG staff interviews needs to be front and center on the store page. It explains so much about this particular version of Resident Evil 1.
aureilia: Unless she had some special version of it theres no way she missed the framerate fluctuations. she decided to ignore it, kind of dishonest.

I still would have bought it regardless to support the old classics but seriously when you have an audience like she does you need to be completely honest and transparent or you start losing credibility.

It's not a good idea to advertise that video and bring more light to how very clearly biased the video is. It's not good for anyone involved.
I'm sorry but I completed the Jill Route 2 times already and did not have framerate fluctuation.

I didn't had any bug in fact and was wondering why I should bother with Rebith mod when this version work out of the box with other language support.

It's far more plausible she didn't had any bugs during playthrough.
e-celeb marketing actually deterred me from purchasing tbh
genericUNDEAD: That video with the GOG staff interviews needs to be front and center on the store page. It explains so much about this particular version of Resident Evil 1.
aureilia: Unless she had some special version of it theres no way she missed the framerate fluctuations. she decided to ignore it, kind of dishonest.

I still would have bought it regardless to support the old classics but seriously when you have an audience like she does you need to be completely honest and transparent or you start losing credibility.

It's not a good idea to advertise that video and bring more light to how very clearly biased the video is. It's not good for anyone involved.
She's been a Capcom shill for a while now, She used to be good and actually point out issues (RE0).

Ever since she started getting access & Perks she's been blindly praising Capcom in everything they do.
aureilia: Unless she had some special version of it theres no way she missed the framerate fluctuations. she decided to ignore it, kind of dishonest.

I still would have bought it regardless to support the old classics but seriously when you have an audience like she does you need to be completely honest and transparent or you start losing credibility.

It's not a good idea to advertise that video and bring more light to how very clearly biased the video is. It's not good for anyone involved.
Scouali: I'm sorry but I completed the Jill Route 2 times already and did not have framerate fluctuation.

I didn't had any bug in fact and was wondering why I should bother with Rebith mod when this version work out of the box with other language support.

It's far more plausible she didn't had any bugs during playthrough.
I would go with that if it didn't look like her gameplay was speeding up slightly whenever she transitioned into a new background.

and you are in a minority without issues, this forum is a flood of game bugs and issues.
Post edited June 27, 2024 by aureilia
Scouali: I'm sorry but I completed the Jill Route 2 times already and did not have framerate fluctuation.

I didn't had any bug in fact and was wondering why I should bother with Rebith mod when this version work out of the box with other language support.

It's far more plausible she didn't had any bugs during playthrough.
aureilia: I would go with that if it didn't look like her gameplay was speeding up slightly whenever she transitioned into a new background.

and you are in a minority without issues, this forum is a flood of game bugs and issues.
Yes I know I am of the lucky few, I'm not the type of player saying everything is right because it run fine for me. I was just saying maybe she was lucky too and didn't experience these issue.
Suzi's PC can run the game fine, I can personally assure you. At the end of the video she does mention that there could be other bugs, but that she couldn't reproduce any.
genericUNDEAD: That video with the GOG staff interviews needs to be front and center on the store page. It explains so much about this particular version of Resident Evil 1.
the_3rdplayer: I rather want people to know that this is not the best version to play of Resident Evil 1, instead of having it blindly praised.
What are the issues with the GoG release? Mind summarising pls? (not a loaded question btw, I'm thinking of pulling the trigger so genuinely interested)