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Source Next ?
Is this the Source Next version or just some Random Emulated version ?
Zer01neDev: Source Next ?
Is this the Source Next version or just some Random Emulated version ?
It's the Windows 95/98 version for RE1. Which is older than both the Mediakite and Sourcenext version. In short: This release is based on the most outdated PC version of the game.
Post edited June 27, 2024 by the_3rdplayer
Zer01neDev: Is this the Source Next version or just some Random Emulated version ?
Neither. The Japanese release seems to be based on the Ultra2000 version.
If only GOG themselves couldve just ported the Mediakite and Sourcenext instead of inferior American versions.

Or work with modder Gemini who already fixed the games to an even bigger degree.
Post edited June 27, 2024 by whodatninja
high rated
They are always free to reach out to me with no compensation required, I value preservation too after all.
GeminiREbirth: They are always free to reach out to me with no compensation required, I value preservation too after all.
Looks like GOG is going to implement the HEX edit for speed issues. I hope they reach out to you for Classic REbirth features, but if they don't, is there any chance of Classic REbirth updates to make your fixes/mods directly compatible with the GOG version? Some of the stuff they implemented (AA and integer scaling) is pretty nice, and would be a cool to have alongside the Classic REbirth features. Huge props for your work by the way, have been following it for years and played the games numerous times.
Post edited 5 days ago by falojazz
Thanks for the kind words, falojazz! As for the compatibility, members of the community are already looking into solutions and preparing guides to take care of RE2-3 when they drop.
GeminiREbirth: Thanks for the kind words, falojazz! As for the compatibility, members of the community are already looking into solutions and preparing guides to take care of RE2-3 when they drop.
Also just wanted to say a huge thanks for all your work on Classic Resident Evil and Dino Crisis. I'm glad to hear there's hope for the other releases on GOG working with Classic REbirth :) Fingers crossed GOG do reach out to make some kind of official integration or even just to get some advice on how to improve their own ports.
It's the original release for the US market, it's the same version i had in 1997.
It uses the same wrapper as Mortal Kombat Trilogy to make it work on modern version of windows.

Is not the sourcenext version that was exclusive to Japanese market. Some mods may not work or may need a different exe.

Is this version worth??
For me it is, because it's more far simpler to click install than mount the backup from my OG CD and then apply some patches.
This is more accurate to what was to play RE1 on PC in 1997.
whodatninja: If only GOG themselves couldve just ported the Mediakite and Sourcenext instead of inferior American versions.

Or work with modder Gemini who already fixed the games to an even bigger degree.
Both version with no mod are pretty much the same. The difference it was easier for modders to fix the sourcenext version which was a bit more friendlier with modern windows version than this version.

From a preservation perspective, this is above gemini modded version.
Gemini is nicer for those that want to play an old game from an era that they were not even born yet. For those seeking the nostalgia effect or just taking a look at what the game actually was back then. This is better.
Post edited 4 days ago by Wild.Dog
From a preservation perspective, this is above gemini modded version.
Gemini is nicer for those that want to play an old game from an era that they were not even born yet. For those seeking the nostalgia effect or just taking a look at what the game actually was back then. This is better.
Good that this is just a personal opinion. In the end both versions are legit. One more so than the other. For each on their own to decide.
GeminiREbirth: They are always free to reach out to me with no compensation required, I value preservation too after all.
I passed this along to a GOG Community staff member in the hopes it can be passed on to the development team.
Haven't seen this mentioned, the versions that work with Rebirth -

RE1 - Mediakite
RE2 - Sourcenext
RE3 - Mediakite and Sourcenext

are on So it's not like you have to go to some fly by night pirate website.

How you feel about downloading and using the games from is between you and you.
tuckered: Haven't seen this mentioned, the versions that work with Rebirth -

RE1 - Mediakite
RE2 - Sourcenext
RE3 - Mediakite and Sourcenext

are on So it's not like you have to go to some fly by night pirate website.

How you feel about downloading and using the games from is between you and you.
Well is not a secret, but most people just like to buy games when possible and support their products. Even better if it is DRM Free.
In fact this is a good opportunity to show capcom that there is interest in their older products

This release works just fine with some bugs for specific hardware that they are working to fix. I think people is getting the issue bigger than it is.
tuckered: Haven't seen this mentioned, the versions that work with Rebirth -

RE1 - Mediakite
RE2 - Sourcenext
RE3 - Mediakite and Sourcenext

are on So it's not like you have to go to some fly by night pirate website.

How you feel about downloading and using the games from is between you and you.
Wild.Dog: Well is not a secret, but most people just like to buy games when possible and support their products. Even better if it is DRM Free.
In fact this is a good opportunity to show capcom that there is interest in their older products

This release works just fine with some bugs for specific hardware that they are working to fix. I think people is getting the issue bigger than it is.
It seems like the biggest issue here is people having high expectations, or even borderline unrealistic expectations. It's true that it would have been amazing for these games to be released looking akin to what is achieveable through rebirth mods, but that would have been a remaster, not a rerelease. 

I think this goes far beyond the discussion of what GOG is capable or not of doing with those ports from a technical standpoint, but about what Capcom was willing to let slide in the legal and investment side of things. At least for me, it's clear that GOG had to work within Capcom's very strict wishes. And to be honest, it was worth it; this is a good rerelease for what it proposes to do, which is game preservation. 

I wouldn't say this is the best we could ever get, because that's never true, but I'm glad they're here. I'm having a blast with it, and I can only hope we see these versions improving over time.
Wild.Dog: Well is not a secret, but most people just like to buy games when possible and support their products. Even better if it is DRM Free.
In fact this is a good opportunity to show capcom that there is interest in their older products

This release works just fine with some bugs for specific hardware that they are working to fix. I think people is getting the issue bigger than it is.
Serolepsin: It seems like the biggest issue here is people having high expectations, or even borderline unrealistic expectations. It's true that it would have been amazing for these games to be released looking akin to what is achieveable through rebirth mods, but that would have been a remaster, not a rerelease.

I think this goes far beyond the discussion of what GOG is capable or not of doing with those ports from a technical standpoint, but about what Capcom was willing to let slide in the legal and investment side of things. At least for me, it's clear that GOG had to work within Capcom's very strict wishes. And to be honest, it was worth it; this is a good rerelease for what it proposes to do, which is game preservation.

I wouldn't say this is the best we could ever get, because that's never true, but I'm glad they're here. I'm having a blast with it, and I can only hope we see these versions improving over time.
People most of the time doesn't know what they want.

They want something dry but wet at the same time. It must be cold that it can freeze hell, but as hot as the sun..

If you check in this forum some of the things people want is insane. They want a remastered full of stuff from releases from other system... YET they don't want to pay more than 10 bucks.

SW Dark Forces remaster is the prime example of this. Nightdive gave them a remaster even the cutscenes redraw by hand yet people was mad that the game was 35 and not 10 bucks, because hey the DOS version is 4 bucks and i can mod it for free...
Post edited 3 days ago by Wild.Dog