justinkhchen: I'm playing this game on a Mac... I think someone has answered how to change the control layout on a PC, but don't think the same apply to Mac, any help?
I, too am wondering about this. On Mac, GoG uses a program called 'Boxer' to be an additional GUI wrapper around DoxBox. I looked around, but didn't find a way with to open the keymapper with the way the package is installed by default. Inside the package there is a file:
/Applications/Realms of the Haunting.app/Content/Resources/Realms Of The Haunting.boxer/C Realms of the Haunting.harddisk/mapper.txt
That file has a bunch of keycodes doing
something, but I tweaked a few of the values and started the game and it didn't seem to do anything.
The default controls for this game are pretty terrible in general, but very terrible when trying to play off a laptop.