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Yes, I have this problem regarding the theme park mission (Ghost Dance). It's really frustrating as I can't proceed in the game. I'm using Win XP and I've tried using different compatibility modes ('95, '98). I sincerely hope there's a fix for this.
Add me to the list, too. Such a shame, though nostalgia still clouds my negativity toward this problem!
I'd just like to confirm that Yshinozuka's advice (from post #15) has worked for me. Has worked for two mission loads (all I needed to get the job done on it). Thanks very much for the pointers! Greatly appreciated!
Worked for me as well. Awesome!
I had an invisible hostage (and sometimes an invisible terrorist) on the first mission, and Yshinozuka's method in post #15 didn't work for me.

What I did to pass the mission was edit the "victory conditions" text file. If you look in
C:\Program Files\GOGcom\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six\data\mission, there is a file called "VicCondM1Hard.txt"

Open it and look for these lines:

// Condition 0: Rescue the ambassador
ACTOR Ambassador

Change "RESULT PARTIAL_SUCCESS" to "RESULT SUCCESS". Now the mission will end as soon as you rescue the ambassador.

I know this is an annoying workaround instead of an actual fix, but it allowed me to move on the next mission (which is working fine for me) while remaining on Elite difficulty. Besides, I had killed all the non-invisible terrorists already.
Post edited February 27, 2011 by leilani
I'm seeing this problem as well. It really needs a fix - editing the victory conditions isn't really a solution. While I was sometimes able to rescue all the hostages on the first mission, I've played the theme park mission something like 20 times now and never seen both hostages.

To clarify; the missing NPCs aren't just invisible, they're not there. It's not a rendering bug, because the invisible terrorists would kill you otherwise.
Confirming that this is happening to me as well.

In some missions, it happens to some hostages/terrorists every single time. The aid in the first mission, for example, never ever shows up.

With others, it can be a crapshoot. In Ghost Dance, the fifth mission, sometimes a terrorist would go missing. Other times, it'd be one or two of the hostages. I don't want to play the game like this, so I'm adding my voice to those who want this issue fixed.
I've contacted the support team twice regarding this (the second time just now), and have yet to receive any message in response.

This is a serious problem, and I encourage anyone with this issue to also post here as confirmation.
I was quite upset about this too when I purchased it yesterday but I think I found the solution. Go into the options and click the "Force Software" option on. This forces the game to use the software renderer rather than your hardware. You take a small performance hit but you can always switch it off after the mission. It worked for me. Good luck!
Crispus222: I was quite upset about this too when I purchased it yesterday but I think I found the solution. Go into the options and click the "Force Software" option on. This forces the game to use the software renderer rather than your hardware. You take a small performance hit but you can always switch it off after the mission. It worked for me. Good luck!
Sadly, it didn't work for me. Still stuck with the invisible hostage.
Force Software 640x480 fixed it for me, as well as other bugs.

Shame that GOG can't be bothered updating/fixing their releases.
Same issue. I found that sometimes the hostage is there, sometimes she isn't. Don't know what causes it, but re-trying the mission until they re-appear should work (at least it did for me).
Same issue on the first mission (secondary hostage on ground floor is invisible). Force Software just crashes the game for me. Anyone out there no where the config file is, as at the moment I can't get back into the game :(
Same thing happened to me as the person above me. The game crashed and I can't even load it anymore.... This is really stupid if they can't even release a game properly. Makes me doubt if I'll ever spend money here again. This is not the first game that was released broken or had a major problem.
Having the same problem... This isn't right to release something that is missing files or whatever the case might be.

Trying to run it on Windows 7 Ultimate via Bootcamp but when I get to those certain levels no hostages or some of the do not appear. I put god mode on to run around the level and also went under and above and didn't see anything... sad day