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Prey (2006 game)
(The game starts in spring) Domasi "Tommy" Tawodi is a Cherokee mechanic and former United States Army soldier living on a Native American reservation in Oklahoma. The game begins with Tommy in a bar owned by his girlfriend, Jen. Tired of life on the reservation, Tommy tries to convince Jen to leave with him, but she refuses, saying that her tribe is where she belongs. After a fight between the two, a fight erupts when two men at the bar will not leave and try to tease Jen improperly. Then the building is lifted up by some kind of force into a green light above. Tommy, Jen, Tommy's grandfather Enisi, and other captives are transported to a massive alien starship called the Sphere. Tommy is freed in an explosion set off by a mysterious stranger, who, despite being a cybernetic being like most of the Sphere's inhabitants, appears to be working against the Sphere.

Tommy witnesses Enisi's brutal death in an alien device. While attempting to find Jen, he has a near-death experience and travels to an afterlife known as the Land of the Ancients, where his grandfather bestows spiritual powers upon him. Tommy gains the ability to separate his spirit from his body to pass through obstacles, come back to life after being killed, and get aid from his spirit guide, the ghost of his childhood pet hawk, Talon. Despite being entrusted by his ancestors with the mission to protect Earth from the Sphere, Tommy is only interested in rescuing Jen.

On his journey he frequently hears a voice speaking to him, but he doesn’t know who it is from. At some point he meets the two men that he had seen sometimes running and they tell him that the Priestess (Elhuit) is waiting for him. The Priestess tells him that they are the Hidden, that they have long been abducted by the Sphere and that the Sphere abducts people for its purposes, be it food, warriors, laborers, etc.. Until now the Sphere was the hunter and they were the prey and they now want Tommy to help them (with his abilities) to hit back. She says that those working for the Sphere use portals to move about inside it in long distances and now her tribe has developed the technology to make a device which will create a portal to transfer them back to Earth and they only need the Keeper’s brain. She tells him that the Keeper is the enemy and where the Keeper is, Jen must be near.

Tommy finds Jen and gets her free, but as they return to Elhuit they find that she and her people were attacked moments ago by the Keeper and his warriors, killing most of Elhuit’s people and severely injuring her. Jen stays to look after Elhuit while Tommy leaves to hunt for the Keeper, who will try to destroy the portal device. While he is away, Jen is abducted again and Tommy goes after her again. On his way Tommy learns through an Earth radio broadcast that the Sphere is an organic alien ship with the main goal of maintaining itself by preying on various alien races. The Sphere houses many of these alien races, which have become mindless drones in servitude of the Sphere. The Keepers (they are more than one) of the Sphere, who appear to be responsible for its creation, plant life on other planets, so that, as they later would travel vast distances through space, they could stop for several months on each seeded planet to harvest some of its inhabitants, before they continue their journey through space. Then they return at a very later date, and so on. So the small band of human rebels on the Sphere, named the Hidden, are the only ones who have not lost control of themselves. Led by Elhuit, the Hidden would hope to destroy the Sphere and return to Earth.

At some point the Mother of the Sphere says that she allowed Tommy to live and proceed so far, because she sees great potential in him. She also says that Jen is safe with her and that a glorious future awaits Tommy and Jen together. Tommy finds Jen, whose limbs have been surgically attached to a reptile-like creature that attempts to kill him. Because Jen cannot control the beast she is attached to, Tommy is reluctantly forced to kill it, in the process also mercy-killing Jen. Tommy finally meets the Keeper, who says that he’s been spared so far, only for his strong spirit, but now he will become one of them, and his spirit will be added to their strength. After the Keeper is killed, Tommy says that “it’s over”, but the Mother replies that it has just begun, and Tommy proceeds fighting more Keepers along the way.

Tommy finds that the Keepers and their drones are controlled by the Mother, who communicates telepathically with him throughout the game. She reveals to Tommy that she was once human, too, and fought the previous Mother of the Sphere, who persuaded her to take its place as the new Mother. After Tommy defeats her, the Mother begs Tommy to take her place, acquiring god-like powers in the process, or else the Sphere will perish. While tempted, Enisi's spirit contacts Tommy, reminding him of his humanity and duty. Tommy heeds his grandfather's advice and drives the Sphere into the Sun, and ends up in the Land of the Ancients once more to see Enisi and Jen. Tommy returns to Earth, knowing that he will see them both again when it is his time to live in the Land of the Ancients.

Six months later, Tommy has rebuilt the bar. Tommy listens to a news radio broadcast that the official story of the events that had happened six months ago in Oklahoma (the region where the bar is located) is due to a natural disaster. Elhuit arrives at the bar through a portal and explains to Tommy that she and other Hidden managed to build the portal they were planning, just before Tommy destroyed the Sphere, but that portal worked differently than what they thought and she was rescued by powerful beings who now wish to meet him. Tommy steps through a portal made by Elhuit as the words "Prey will continue ..." appear on-screen.
Post edited April 11, 2024 by CarChris