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I'm wondering how to do the mission where you have to attack a town where a military convoy is. I attack the town, but it goes unrecognized. The instructions talk about being paid per ship destroyed, but I don't see how to destroy ships. Help.
This question / problem has been solved by DeMignonimage
Sarariman: ... I attack the town, but it goes unrecognized. ...
If I remember right, you have to meet the convoy on open seas. The town info just helps to know where to look.
The guy who gives you the mission says the convoy will be anchored at a certain town until a certain day. The mission log, however, says you should attack the town by that day – which doesn't work - and the mission is classed as unaccomplished if you haven't done whatever it is by that day. So I presume the convoy leaves before the given date, but I've tried arriving early a couple of times but seen nothing. How much sooner does the convoy go?
I assume we're talking about Port Royale 1 here. I searched a bit and found some mission guides I had archived, as they where hard to find in the Internet. Here's what could be the mission you're referring to (you get this one in the Inn):

Attack a convoy in repair
A fellow in the inn spins a sob story about a nation being at war but unable to afford to attack a fleet that's in a harbor for repairs, then butters you up by telling you you're considered to be quite dangerous, and offers to pay you for attacking the fleet. He'll offer 20,000 gold for each ship of the fleet you sink. To attack the fleet, you must wait until the fleet is actually in the harbor-it will be named as a military convoy. Then select to attack the nation that controls the harbor, and attack from the sea. You'll receive a message that there is a military convoy you must defeat first-that's your target. Why the fleet is in for repairs is beyond me, since it seems to be quite fully manned and repaired, but that's neither here nor there. To get paid for the mission, you must sink-not capture or loot-the ships in the convoy. Once the convoy is defeated, you'll receive the cash for each ship you sank. Notice you can capture the ships if you wish, but you only get paid for the ones you sink. Also note that sinking a country's military convoy tends to upset them greatly. After you've beaten the military convoy, you'll find yourself preparing to attack the town from the sea. At that point you can simply flee the battle or continue your attack.

Mission Accomplished:
You sink at least one of the ships and receive 20,000 for each ship sank.

Mission Failed:
You don't sink any of the ships, and don't receive any money.

If you're good at sea battles and don't mind the hit to your reputation for sinking a country's ships, it's an easy 20k per ship. If you're not so good at sea battles, then you'll find yourself in over your head, as the military convoys are pretty stout.

Your logbook will contain when and where the fleet will be, and after completing the mission, the total you were paid is entered.
That's fantabulous. It explains everything. I'm delighted that you don't have to wait around for the convoy as you do with the mission where you kill an admiral.

Problem is, I can't attack towns from the sea. My ships appear but don't respond to commands. I was actually going to start a thread about this. Can you help?
Sarariman: That's fantabulous. It explains everything. ... Problem is, I can't attack towns from the sea. My ships appear but don't respond to commands....
I'm glad the info helped. Unfortunately, I haven't got the game installed right now, so I'm not a big help on the unresponsive ships when attacking a town by sea. I can't remember having that issue then. When you go into attack mode, sail into the town and attack it by sea, you'll have to deal with the military ships there and destroy all harbor cannons. Ship control should be the same like in a usual sea battle. If you still have problems with this, it's better to open an extra thread, maybe someone else has experienced the same.
I started another thread. I can destroy the convoy but I can't then attack the town, which is counted as not completing the mission.

I'm delighted to hear that destroying military convoys annoys countries because I do it all the time. I have one convoy that attacks civilian ships and another to deal with the military convoy that emerges after three attacks. Holland and England both classify me as "hunted," but this is the only time I get hunted.

EDIT: I can attack a town from the sea if I choose a ship, set it to "flee," then stop fleeing and start attacking when the ship gets moving. Unfortunately, in this mission, you can't save after dealing with the convoy and attacking the shore installations requires many attempts, so it takes an age. I'd still like to know how much damage my ships have taken.
Post edited June 13, 2014 by Sarariman