lmtr14: I for one was already pretty pissed off by DA:O's in-game advertising of DLCs. But the immersion-breaking kickstarter fanfictions thrown in this game really take the cake. Probably been said a lot of times already, but that was a really bad decision by Obsidian, especially since the memorials and soul stories (I was like, why are there people standing around I can't talk to yet I can extract their memories like with undead in PS:T???) have no coherence with the game universe.
Bottom line, if you're gonna include fan creations in your game, make sure that they don't blatantly break immersion. Hell, a decade of Baldur's Gate npc/quest mods has shown how fans can make a game doubly the worth it was vanilla!
I personally don't mind as I ignore most of the soul stories unless I am just faffing about in the world :)
Besides, AFAIK, none of the plot-important NPCs have this "kickstarter intrusion" , to use your words :)