jimmybackman: So what is the best two handed melee weapon you guys have found so far in the game?
Curious since planning to make a pure fighter and would be nice with some suggestions what weapon to focus on with feats(know its smarter to take generalist feats like power attack and such early on since you wont find any really good weapons early anyways).
heavy flail from the house is the best 2h in the game. but there are no other heavy flails worth mentioning.
armags 2h bastard sword is pretty dope as it gives spells.
dragon's essense greataxe is nice to have in swap as it gives dragonkind III. think there is another +5 greataxe with a lot of mods if I remember correctly. it also helps that most of those come from a master.
fauchards are ok too and are spaced decently in the 2nd half of the game.
honorable mention to curved blades as they allow for good AC through dex progression. masterwork weapon is decent too
for 2h fighter I would settle for heavy flail from pitax merchants. there is +1 corrosive flail sold in town in a2 as well. there is nothing too scary before house anyways.
more prudent option would be to not get married to a weapon at all before late-game and use the best thing avaliable atm
if you go pure I'd go 2h specialist with pommeling bully+trip and fauchards as your AC will suck bad anyways and you will have tons of CMB that way. there are some ok galives out there also. namely +3 flaming glaive from that nightmare in optional location before you switch to fauchards. endgame glaive is nothing spectacular, but is decent as well.
edit: typos and expanded a bit