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I found the Problem! I Used the Combatibly Mode for Windows XP this was the problem, Sorry Zenger! Now it works with constant FPS all good. YOU ARE THE BEST!


PS. sorry for bad English
Hi all, I'm _Zenger_, I can't log with my user right now

Thank You all for your kind words

Kind regards

coilwinder: _Zenger_:

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your patches and effort into making them, especially these hi-res ones! You have made this game so much more enjoyable!

I just installed your V3 patch, and it seems to work nicely too. One question though: The previous patch had all these different zip files to unpack, while the V3 was just one. I just unpacked V3 into the game directory, as instructed, and it works. The question: Do we need all the others for it to work, or does it work "stand alone"?

Anyway, great work, and again, THANK YOU!
Hi coilwinder, I'm _Zenger_, I can't log with my user right now

In order for the V3 patch to work You only need the one zip You have downloaded from the internet for the V3 version (, that is, the files: "zendat.dat", "zdata.zpd", "zdata.zpl", "APPLYMEGAPATCH.exe" that are inside that zip

What the patch (V3) does now is to create the PAK files when You install the patch, so if the olds ones from the old zips are present they are overwritten with newer versions and if they don't exist they are created, so, the PAK files are still necessary but now the patch creates them upon installing, so You just need the in order to the patch to work

Kind regards
Thank you very much for this patch. I'm gonna give it a go right now.
Hey, Zenger, thanks so much for the patch. now that we can get the game running in a decent resolution, I think the next step is to get things like The Level Of Detail settings sorted out..

Do you know much about the game's LoD/graphical settings? anyone else? an outcast.ini hack that basically turns all the graphics/LoD settings WAY up seems to be what we need to do, but they're so bloody obscure it's almost incomprehensible what the various ini settings do.. Everyone should report various LoD settings, see what they do to the game.

Let's get Outcast looking it's theoretical best. :P

Aaaargh. Curse you, strange french Voxel engine!

Managed to get Bump mapping and high LoD on all meshes ingame so far.



At least the Twon-Ha look pretty.. :P

Also managed to make water a little more transparent, so you can see what's swimming around in there:

Pristine Shamazaar Water! Only $8.99 a bottle!
Post edited October 06, 2010 by Muskie
Muskie: Hey, Zenger, thanks so much for the patch. now that we can get the game running in a decent resolution, I think the next step is to get things like The Level Of Detail settings sorted out..

Do you know much about the game's LoD/graphical settings? anyone else? an outcast.ini hack that basically turns all the graphics/LoD settings WAY up seems to be what we need to do, but they're so bloody obscure it's almost incomprehensible what the various ini settings do.. Everyone should report various LoD settings, see what they do to the game.

Let's get Outcast looking it's theoretical best. :P

Aaaargh. Curse you, strange french Voxel engine!

Managed to get Bump mapping and high LoD on all meshes ingame so far.



At least the Twon-Ha look pretty.. :P

Also managed to make water a little more transparent, so you can see what's swimming around in there:

Pristine Shamazaar Water! Only $8.99 a bottle!
Nice man. =)
This new patch wouldn't be the reason I am now walking not running in the Riss fields?
I uploaded this patch to a multi-upload service just in case the link goes down.

Post edited October 08, 2010 by Vagabond
I'm new to outcast is it best to start off with the patch installed and how would you uninstall it? And what do you do with the ini file to get the bump mapping to work and also the high lod. Thanks
Post edited October 09, 2010 by Mist17
UK_John: This new patch wouldn't be the reason I am now walking not running in the Riss fields?
This is probably a inofficial patch, which is implemented bei GoG in the game. That means, you can run through the mud even without the HiRes-Patch.
I'll try this out....Its my first time playing this game so maybe I'll switch back to the 640 patch if things get ridiculous!! Thnx!
Muskie: Hey, Zenger, thanks so much for the patch. now that we can get the game running in a decent resolution, I think the next step is to get things like The Level Of Detail settings sorted out..

Do you know much about the game's LoD/graphical settings? anyone else? an outcast.ini hack that basically turns all the graphics/LoD settings WAY up seems to be what we need to do, but they're so bloody obscure it's almost incomprehensible what the various ini settings do.. Everyone should report various LoD settings, see what they do to the game.

Let's get Outcast looking it's theoretical best. :P

Aaaargh. Curse you, strange french Voxel engine!

Managed to get Bump mapping and high LoD on all meshes ingame so far.



At least the Twon-Ha look pretty.. :P

Also managed to make water a little more transparent, so you can see what's swimming around in there:

Pristine Shamazaar Water! Only $8.99 a bottle!
damn, wish my game looked this nice! nice job man!
Post edited October 10, 2010 by whocares44
Just curious on this subject, but pretty sure I played outcast years ago with 800x600 resolution at least. Remember Talanzaar being especially slow so I abandoned it. Anybody know of other patches like this?
Thanks Zenger for the patch, it's amazing!
The only thing is I miss the transparent water. Any idea on how to get it back?
Thanks for the patch,
Muskie: Hey, Zenger, thanks so much for the patch. now that we can get the game running in a decent resolution, I think the next step is to get things like The Level Of Detail settings sorted out..

Do you know much about the game's LoD/graphical settings? anyone else? an outcast.ini hack that basically turns all the graphics/LoD settings WAY up seems to be what we need to do, but they're so bloody obscure it's almost incomprehensible what the various ini settings do.. Everyone should report various LoD settings, see what they do to the game.

Let's get Outcast looking it's theoretical best. :P

Aaaargh. Curse you, strange french Voxel engine!

Managed to get Bump mapping and high LoD on all meshes ingame so far.



At least the Twon-Ha look pretty.. :P

Also managed to make water a little more transparent, so you can see what's swimming around in there:

Pristine Shamazaar Water! Only $8.99 a bottle!
mind sharing your settings?
high rated
Replace the contents of your character_detail_high.ini with this:






replace the current settings for [WaterEffect] in outcast.ini with this:

Post edited October 13, 2010 by Muskie