ThatOncleSam: Same here! I got that email but what to do or any help nope!
So i am sitting here with that one save file it is only one. 248mb
I deleted a ton of files but this is all for nothing... Any help?
I deleted all the *.dds files from the cache directory in my local save file. But this would not sync because the cloud save was still >200mb. I also used the link in the GOG email to access and manage my cloud save files and delete the same files there. It is a clumsy UI, I had 39 pages to scroll through. When I had cleared out all my *.dds files from the cloud save, the game started syncing again. The *.dds files are thumbnail images of bases you create, duplicated every time you create a new picture using the base computer and it wouold seem duplicated again when you delete a base. These thumbnail pictures are the pictures displayed when searching through your bases at a teleporter. Deleting the *.dds files does not delete bases, only their teleporter picture. Each file used to small, but recently they have become significantly larger. Hope this helps.