You Know what, I don't know if there is an NDA on these games... if there isn't you would think that they would have.... I don't know maybe put it in the latest news & games section on the front page or how about use their marketing and research team and have them look at whether or not it would be a financial gain if they were to send these customers that have purchased the rest of the series via Email informing them of this latest acquirement considering another digital distributer that in this instance was named to have it listed for purchase before GOG......not only this game but any game.
Look at least 2 sales lost in this thread alone...... come on, seriously? Look at the trends of your customers purchases. Not all customers are like me I will buy the same game 3 4 and 5 times to get the better version I own all of the Myst games retail CD versions and their DVD updated disks. Real Myst, Riven: The Sequel to Myst, Uru: Complete Chronicles from GOG and now Myst V End of Ages from Steam...
and ya I'm going to buy GOG's version when available because I want DRM Free option and compatibility in my games purchases not to mention I want to keep supporting GOG.... had I known this info earlier I could have save myself 10 bucks.
On a side note I have only 7 more games to purchase digitally I will never have to buy them again Hitman Contracts, Deus Ex IW, Project IGI, Schizm: Mysterious Journey 1 and 2, Myst 3 Exile, Myst 4 Revelation.
Do you want my Money? Keep me informed!
Thank you GOG, you are a good thing in this industry. Keep up the good work!
Learn and Live
Post edited March 18, 2012 by Bugs9477