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I'm having a little trouble sorting through all of the different versions of Myst in the bundle at the moment; would someone be able to set me straight? I played the original Myst as a kid back in the day and have been itching to revisit it, but I don't necessarily need the exact version I played--I'm looking less for nostalgia and more for "the best, most complete version of Myst".

So my understanding is:

Real Myst is Myst with free-roaming, FPS-style controls
Myst: Masterpiece is Myst with prettier graphics and a bonus Age
Real Myst Masterpiece is Myst with free-roaming, FPS style controls, prettier graphics, and a bonus Age

If that's correct, then does that logically mean that Real Myst Masterpiece is the most Myst for my gaming dollar, or are there other considerations?
nigelthezebra: I'm having a little trouble sorting through all of the different versions of Myst in the bundle at the moment; would someone be able to set me straight? I played the original Myst as a kid back in the day and have been itching to revisit it, but I don't necessarily need the exact version I played--I'm looking less for nostalgia and more for "the best, most complete version of Myst".

So my understanding is:

Real Myst is Myst with free-roaming, FPS-style controls
Myst: Masterpiece is Myst with prettier graphics and a bonus Age
Real Myst Masterpiece is Myst with free-roaming, FPS style controls, prettier graphics, and a bonus Age

If that's correct, then does that logically mean that Real Myst Masterpiece is the most Myst for my gaming dollar, or are there other considerations?
Almost, not quite.

Myst Masterpiece is an update on the original Myst. It pretties things up a bit, but is still the clicker. No bonus age.

RM is a remake of Myst. It put the game into full 3D with then pretty graphics and introduced the bonus age of Rime for the sequel hook.

RM:ME is a remake of RealMyst. It also includes hints and such nice things like that.
The editions of Myst:

Myst: Original game on CD-ROM

Myst Masterpiece: Remake of the original game with higher quality visuals from the original

RealMyst : The one on GOG is the most bug free. Runs great on newer machines. 3D engine, free-roam, and a new age RIME

RealMyst Masterpiece: A remake of RealMyst, with updated visuals in Unity engine. Allows Free Roam like in Real Myst, and point and click style like in original Myst.
Myst Masterpiece Edition introduces at least two game-crippling bugs. These bugs are problems with the game on all versions, not with compatibility, and there is no fix for them even after all these years. One involves a puzzle's mechanics glitching out and the other is game-breaking typographical error that gives the player incorrect information.

If it's your first time playing through Myst, do not play this version and the game will be impossible to complete without cheating/looking up solutions.