Any people here regularly using certain command line switches for SP games? I'm going to try them out the first time (thanks Apeman for explaining that thew need to go in the dosbox config file and not in the shortclick properties on the desktop!) and wonder which ones are good to make the game more interesting (e.g. I'm interested in a good AI performance, balanced races, long games lasting until endgame without one race already having runned away) Here is BTW the complete list of command line switches available in 1.40 (taken from: ):
3.1. What command line switches are there already in v1.31?
The command line switches that I am aware of are:
/skipintro Skips the intro movie.
/monsters = num Sets the preferred number of monsters. Valid values are 0 to 255. Default is 255 which is random seed.
/nolog Sets a flag in the game that seems to never be used anyways.
/net = value Parsed but seems to do nothing.
/date Displays the version date and exits game.
/maps = value Parsed but seems to do nothing.
/seed = num Seed for random number generator. Valid values are signed long integer (-2147483648 to 2147483647). Default is 0. Seems to only effect first galaxy map generated and does not effect monster placement.
/saveset = value Something to do with autosave but seems bugged.
/saveset Something to do with autosave but seems bugged.
/quickstart Parsed but seems to do nothing.
/nosaves = value Parsed but seems to do nothing.
/stats = value Parsed but seems to do nothing.
3.2. What command line switches have been added in v1.40?
/nowh No wormholes are generated on new maps
/nobh No black holes are generated on new maps
/noorion Orion and Guardian are not generated on new maps
/noreport The report button on the diplomacy screen will be disabled preventing you from seeing what technology your opponent has. Also, Technology demands and trades are greyed out.
/droids All players start out with the ability to build androids (all 3 types).
/minstart The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be at least 2 production per worker and its gravity will match that of the homeworld.
/hugestart The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be huge and its gravity will match that of the homeworld.
/richstart The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be rich and its gravity will match that of the homeworld (this switch is ignored if /goodstart is used).
/goodstart The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be Ultra Rich and its gravity will match that of the homeworld.
/nosplint No splinter worlds unless there is a monster guarding it.
/planets = num Sets the minimum number of planets in all home systems to num. This value includes the home world. Valid values are
2-5 (default is 2). If you try a value outside of the valid range it will use the default.
/picks = num Sets the starting race picks points to num. Valid values are 10-14 (default is 10). If you try a value outside of the valid range it will use the default. Note: some screens in the game only show the first 11 race picks (it is possible to pick more than 11).
/nonebula When used the map is generated without any nebulas.
/nohousing The housing option will no longer be available from the build list so housing production will not be possible. Also, this switch adds +150% bonus to population growth. The bonus will be added into the growth formula exactly the same way that the bonus from universal antidote is.
/noscan This switch will disable the scan button in combat so that detailed scans of ships will no longer be possible. Only quick scans will be possible by mousing over the ships.
NOTE: the switches /minstart, /hugestart, /richstart, and /goodstart all effect the same planet. The effect is cumulative. These switches ONLY EFFECT ONE PLANET. ALL OTHERS ARE COMPLETELY RANDOM.