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There's an awful lot of reviews that seem to be astroturfed, not just here but everywhere.
I get it's a single dev and I typically like to support stuff. Game's been in development and I've been loosely following it for some time.

Without playing it, it looks a lot like Anno.

Regardlesss I hope the dev continues to grow it and hooded horse to me is strong backing that this is really the shot to grow the game.

Is it in a state I'd be happy with purchasing it here and enjoying it? Or should I wait. What do people think? I don't want to get 3 hours in and be like, oh there's no more content.

Thoughts? Thanks!
Honestly, I can see how its an Early Access and how a lot of things still need to be added on to it. But its pretty fun and put in that "Just one more thing" type trance where you blink and it's already 3 am and you're still playing.
Leeroyfan101: Honestly, I can see how its an Early Access and how a lot of things still need to be added on to it. But its pretty fun and put in that "Just one more thing" type trance where you blink and it's already 3 am and you're still playing.

Like is it complete of the reviews was like you're going to play it 3 hours, then see it's incomplete/everything is locked out.

Like is the game complete enough to play through the whole arc? (I understand there's only one map and stuff)

Hope that makes sense. Thanks for the reply!
I'm glad it's not just me, I tried it for a little bit on steam but it just didn't pull me in despite seeming like a pretty decent game overall in EA. I start looking through the reviews there and then on this site and something just didn't feel right. Maybe it's just paranoia due to the various bot campaigns being unleashed these days, can't say for sure though and ended up refunding at least for now.
- A lot of mechanics aren't there yet, but you can build what feels like a more or less complete settlement.
- Logistics and economic balance feel quite wonky and the most problems people seem to have are related to getting x to work properly, so if you want a less confusing experience you probably have to wait at least some months.
- The idea of having a map with multiple settlements and several competing manor lords exists only on paper right now. On default settings you'll probably have to stay in your home region for quite a while. Once you're ready to take another province, you are ready to basically take any other province as well, so from there it's just busy work. The competing lord has no settlements and only sends troops from off the map.

I restarted the game a few times, (somewhat) figured everything out and finished the scenario. But as of now I want to see more content before I'll sink some more time into it. It was fun, but playing the game in it's current state is probably more about jumping on the bandwagon or seeing a proof of concept.
There are literally thousands of reviews already on this product on Steam, many very "astroturf-like", but some are quite comprehensive and in-depth. The consensus seems to be ML has great potential, but at this stage is still very EA, so it might be prudent at this point to keep one's powder "very" dry. ((;--))
Thanks for the replies! That gave me what I was trying to gather.

The other thread notes the presence of bad DRM (epic's phone-homer) and with that I'm unfortunately out until it's confirmed that's not part of the package.

Game definitely sounds like it has potential though.
Does anyone know if you buy as Early Access, do you get a discount when its fully released?

Trying to decide if i get it now or wait till the full product is done?
siphoA: Does anyone know if you buy as Early Access, do you get a discount when its fully released?

Trying to decide if i get it now or wait till the full product is done?
I think you will get updates to full version, without paying additional costs
IggyDaDino: There's an awful lot of reviews that seem to be astroturfe
You can check my whole post here (As precised in It if it's a 1 Man Team my comment might not be the most Relevant, it's ambiguous ):
It's early access. The game is almost empty of content. Wait for full release, unless you REALLY like the game.